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RE: Gratitude Blog # 8 (Laughter)

in #life7 years ago

whaa? you quoted my fav thinker ... mark twain and the bible?! whoa just heard he was a plagiarist the other day LOL are you really a witty waiter? thats cooool!! :)

interesting question too, i was watching a bad comedy (partially) / zombie movie and it was a bad one too. there was an armless woman who was getting joked about and they had her try to pick up keys during a whole skit. i felt horrible and did not find it funny at all. i know some may, and i dunno i just thought how is this empowering to women in her situation?

just me tho, and maybe she really wanted the exposure and acting part ...


I did not hear that about Mark Twain. Wow! Mind blown.

I really am a waiter and I think I'm pretty witty. LoL. My customers seem to like me so I'm good with that.

I think we all need to take care of what we joke about. My main concern with laughter is that we put ourselves down way too often to get a laugh and I want to be mindful of that and work on respecting myself more. I think with the self care that we will learn to pay it forward with how we interact with others.