
Trump's midyear accomplishments report came out this week and the main stream media ignored it.

It's true, at least most mainstream media is ignoring all the good Trump has achieved. It's hard to pinpoint if it's his personality or if they are being bitches about how Trump is handling the media, but this won't make anyone look good.

Trump has achieved a great deal and ignoring that fact is showing how media journalists are playing according to their personal bias in addition to the regular political games with the media.

in the past, the cabal, the little group of people who control the nation, took american jobs to other contries, and made the goods cheaper for them, to sell to americans expencive and so make a hit.
today, Trump, its trying to bring those jobs back home, and Yes! we are with Him, sure hope he maks it, because he is going against the giants who have been in control. hurray for Trump!!!!!