I can skip that trip to Siberia...

in #life7 years ago

As a surveyor living in the north eastern United States, one thing you learn to live with is the cold. Come summer time, its pretty mellow, then all of sudden its hot as balls and you're praying for fall. This year however, I'm working in north western Ohio on a 60 square mile projected wind turbine farm. As one might suspect, its windy there. With temperatures recently well below the seasonal norms, in the flat lands of north west Ohio, in an area known to be windy, add in a little cold, and its brutal. Obviously this is my profession, and I'm dressed properly, but with -15° winds, with a -5° air temperature, no amount of layers, or hot coffee in my stomach does much. This picture is from last week


An arid wasteland that come spring, is rich with budding corn and soy beans, amazing the polar opposites with the seasons. I'm expecting to see the seasons change with the job most likely not being completed till March or April. Here's me last week in my garb.


You may have never seen a wind turbine, but I can tell you they are massive. From a distance they look tiny, but up close and personal they are behemoths. Standing at over 200' tall, the box at the top is over 40' long, and each blade is over 100' long. When you get close enough, on a windy day, you can hear the blades sweeping the air around. They really are quite remarkable. Ive been working around them for months, and Ill still stand in utter awe at their sheer size and functionality.

And there you have it. Will be uploading more with the wind turbines. Thanks!