The HospitalsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


Greetings Everyone,

I am stuck sitting in the hospital and if any of you have been suck in a hospital you know how boring it is. I try to sleep but it seems as soon as start to sleep the have to take my vitals, take some blood ( at 4 am WTF ) I have a chronic illness so I am in and out of here. I have a go bag unlike when I was in the military it has pajamas, person items, extra phone charger, of course my computer ( internet is horrible in here ) Then I try to do something like make this post and I get my  pain meds ,and it is now a hour later and I had to delete the full screen of of N's lMAO. I just want to say that even though I am sick often, it could be worse, so everyone who is having a bad day and think life is horraible , just think of me or the other people in here that are far worse then me! Life is a gift and you have to take advantage of everything you can, also you need to stop sometimes and admire the beauty of the world. I guess that is all for now , I am due for a vital check, but everyone having a bad day, I for one hope that it gets better for you and that life is what you make of it, and every day is a new adventure!