in #life7 years ago

Dear beloved Steemit friends.
It was on this very date that Egobiafra was born, a date that will always be remembered in the history of mankind. image

As a seventh and last child of my late parents Mr & Mrs Peter 0biajulu, it was an imprecations that a King is born.
No wonder I was given the name" King" for indeed I am here to rule my world.

I salute the womb that gave birth to a King and the breast that suck he King.

Growing up as a young boy in a small Eastern village town in Nigeria # I knew that I will be great in life but as for how and when, was something that I can't really tell.

I started school from kindergarten just like every other toddler in my village, from there to elementary primary, to secondary and now into tertiary institution.

Growing up as a young boy I encountered several challenges, disappointment, heartbreaking moment, denial from those who are supposed to stand by me, lost in business/ investment , lost of loved ones, those that have made a lots of sacrifice towards your growth and even stood by you when every other person has turned their back on you but unfortunately they are not here anymore to enjoy the fruits of their labour. My beloved mother Mrs Agatha Obiajulu is one of such people. imageMom may your gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace. Amen.

The past thirty eight years has been good, bad and ugly, there has been a time that I will feel like throwing in the towel because I felt like, I can't bear it anymore but then remembering the promises of God in my life, where I am coming from and where he is talking me to, I discovered that giving up is even more difficult and west than to keep going for it is better to die while trying to succeed than to quit and still die anyway.

All these and many other challenges I have encountered in life are what made up my new and first book which is under review and when I looked back in all that I have been through in life I smile and thank the Almighty God for this very date when a King was born because I am a DESTINY. (Devil has no time for no body.)

Lastly, when I discovered STEEMIT community I quickly remembered the word of knowledge I received several years ago that I was going to make an impact through writing, though the beginning seems to be small but I know that it will always get better because every great venture in life started small but grows over a time.

I also want to use this slight opportunity to appreciate those who in one way or the other have contributed towards making Egobiafra a better person in life.
My greetings goes to president Babacar J. Diop and the entire leadership and members of African Leaders Factory Initiatives( ALFI).
May God richly bless you all.
[email protected]


Belated happy birthday ! Hope you will have a great journey here in steemt

Thanks so much @sherbanu.
I hope so too. Please where are you from if possible ur link too.
God bless you richly

Wow I have just visited your blog, wonderful hope you will teach me how to succeed just like u.