in #life7 years ago (edited)


Source pixabay.com

In Nigeria where I came from we often use words we are not familiar with its meaning. e. g (DRUGS).

Six years ago I was introduced to a very harmful drugs by my fellow football team mates called TRAMADOL..


It happens that we had a very important football match to play and l was not fit cos I went to my church night vigil that Friday.

And the match was scheduled for the next day been Saturday. Due to the stress, I had a slight headache that day.

So my friends who needed me in the match got me the TRAMADOL to boost my strength for the match unknowingly for me was the beginning of my doom.

I took the drug and felt good on the field of play like never before.
I played very well under the influence of the drug.

After the match, in the evening I had a female visitor and that night we made love and it was different from the other sex I have heard in the past.

Now I new how active that drug was and I started patronizing the drug for my daily activities.

Gradually, it became a vital part of me that I cannot do without taking one tablet a day.

At a time one tablet stopped giving me what I wanted so I started taking two tablets a day.

Continually two stopped giving me what I wanted, I now migrated to three tablets a day.

That was when I realized what I have gotten myself into. The serious thing about it was that any day I didn't take it I became so uncomfortable to even sleep.

Then, I started looking for solutions to how I can stop taking the substance which became so difficult to stop.

Friends, it's not an experience I can wish to my worst enemy, honestly speaking.

It became so bad that I started drying up as if I was not eating.
The day I felt sick to malaria fever I could not get the drug that day but I slept well.

The next day, the drug effects started manifesting on my body,that is as follows:

Unnecessary hunger
Unnecessary anger and so forth.

It took me five good nights without closing my eyes to sleep, it was horrible.
But to God be the glory I endured all those nights of no sleep just to stop taking that dangerous substance.

And today am a free man and vowed to my God never to take it again.

I know there are so many people out there who are in the condition I found myself last six years.

A words of advice to such victims, is to try everything it will take to stop it cos it has no cure if at all you are thinking of such.

And to those about to start, please it is not a road for I,or anybody can advise you to follow.

Thanks for reading and help me pass the information to were ever you find yourself.
For a better future.


You went cold turkey... And won...

It was a difficult time for me, but I thank God for everything. Thanks @its-kg I appreciate hope we follow each other cos steemit brings us together as one.