⏺ You want to win? Here's what you need to do! Part 1

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

I love that quote. It says a lot about how we have the choice to be in control or not.

Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm also not here to make sure you are comfortable. I am here today to do quite the opposite. Every single on of us need to get out of our comfort zones!

Now, if you are super happy with your life, and enjoy thoroughly the situation that you are in, then you can take what I'm about to say however you'd like. However, if you are seeking change, and a new dimension in your life, then you need to listen.

Life doesn't care about your situation. You are in control of your life. You want to know the formula? Here it is:

There you have it. ACTIONS = RESULTS.

To all the guys out there, my advice is simple: MAN UP!
isn't much else than that. The main reason you aren't taking action is probably because you are scared. We all have these fears of failure. What if you're not good enough? What if people will judge you? Well.. MAN UP!

You need to be able to absorb all that sh*t and focus on what really matters. It's about having a bulletproof core within you! Nothing can stop a man on a mission.

Stop accommodating yourself because it makes you feel better. There's a reason it's called your 'comfort zone'. It's your body telling you to stay here, because this is where it knows it is 'safe'. Your body just wants to stay away from pain. The thing that your body doesn't know is that it's pain threshold can be adjusted.

I like to think of this in the analogy of the Bugatti Chiron car. That car has over 1500 horse power. The owner who purchases that car, gets two sets of keys. The one is for a normal supercar driver. Then you get the other key. Now, this key can be used to unlock the cars full potential. See, they bottlenecked the car's power, because 90% of people could not handle that kind of power.

You need to unlock your Bugatti in life!! Take that second key, and double your horse power! No one person is any more special than another. All it takes is a decision.

Let me know your thoughts. I have 27K SP, and I like to reward great comments! This has been Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2, where I will discuss this topic further.

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!

I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!

I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!


My previous post:
New profile update! Must read!!

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @jokossita! Let's send her our love and support!!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

My previous Post Promotion Thread:
PPT (Post Promotion Thread) #5: Comment your links! New partnership announcement!! Our contribution!

My previous milestone:
🖊 Milestone: 2000+ followers, Rep 64, and 6500 total posts in 86 days!

My main Instagram account is currently at 35K+ Followers.


Favorite quote of the day:

Nothing can stop a man on a mission.

So true. Talk soon.

I see many of the comments are liking my quote :)

Thank you for that my friend :) Keep up your hustle!

Thanks for the words of wisdom @enazwahsdarb! Sometimes in our lives, it is just really hard to focus on what needs to be done- too many distractions and uncertainties just weigh us down.
For me I have faced a lot of struggles, I am never in my comfort zone that I sometimes feel I do not know my old self anymore. Having said that, these uncertain things also make me a better person. A new me who is stronger and bolder who can face whatever it is that life throws upon me.

Every person desires to be happy, successful, wealthy etc, yet few realize the hard work, sacrifice, dedication, persistence it takes to achieve success. When ones desire to be successful outweighs their feelings of comfort then change can occur. Unwavering focus on a goal is key aligned with persistence to reach said goal.

So many people look up to others in the marketing world and think how easy they have it. What they don't realize is all the blood sweat and tears that went into it. Those long sleepless nights and the true grind. When your not grinding and bettering yourself well guess what someone else is. This is what drives me.

Amen to that man! Nicely said. It's exactly that.

Look, I think specifically for the marketing niche, many of those marketers actually promote the task being quite simple and easy, and for that, I can understand the mass misconception and stereotype.

I would have agree though, I don't think many people know what kind of effort it truly takes to succeed. Thanks for this awesome comment :) Nice motivation! I can certainly relate.

when I get on the treadmill I walk. Today when I get on I am going to run. I know I am scared I might fall or other people around me will judge me. @cleverbot this post is motivational

DUUUDE I love it! :D That's the best example ever hahaha!

Go be a BOSS.

Do you agree that we both cannot have the same name?

I think you are one confused bot :D

No I like The Spoony Experiment?

You are confused my friend :)

No thank you I don't like you.

That's not very nice!

You need to learn some manners!

Nothing can stop a man on a mission Only if he is self-confident.
Nice analogy of the Bugatti, totally agree with that. Decisions can drive people crazy when the lost control. I can see you're making your post even prettier. I'm going to work on my post the double now, to make them prettier.
Thanks for all the time motivate us! Glad to read :)

Ahh what a beautiful response Jessy :) Thanks for that.

I'm glad my actions have motivated you to push harder on your content! I want you to do your best, and go for gold :)

Thanks for all the time motivate us!

My pleasure! Stay awesome :)

sneaky-ninja-sword-small.jpg Sneaky Ninja Attack!! You have been defended with a 40.00 % upvote! To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong I rely on the townspeople of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア). I was summoned by: @enazwahsdarb. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish... woosh

Thank you my ninja friend :)

Welp, this is the post for me. I've been in my comfort zone for too long to be honest, but it's tough man, I've got the most pessimistic personality and getting out of the comfort zone is tough. Thanks for this post bro.

I'm glad my man! Just having that reality check like you just did, that's powerful stuff!

I'm glad you are being honest with yourself.

Don't stress though. These things don't happen over night.. Just one step at a time, and sooner than you think, you will have changed for the better.

Thanks for me mental boost, for real.

Anytime! :) Let's do this!!

@enazwahsdarb you always have this thing where you make simple ideas into an amazing post. Short but precise.

Last Saturday I found a nice application where I can enter the things I want to achieve and they are divided into four parts. Important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and not important or urgent. I feel in love with this app for it always remind me which tasks are more important and urgent than the other. Before most of the time, I work on the easier tasks first before doing the difficult tasks and most of the time, I cannot finish the difficult tasks. I got lazy.

Having a monthly, weekly and daily plan is very important for me now. For I no longer wonder what should I need to do next. There are days that I cannot achieve my goals but that's okay. I'll do better tomorrow. As long as I won't give up, I'm fine. No matter how slow my progress is. It's way better than not doing anything at all.

I'll join in your next PPT, I promise. I just need to create more valuable content first. Thanks for your help. Talk to you soon.

you always have this thing where you make simple ideas into an amazing post.

Thank you very much for that! I really appreciate that!

That application sounds like it can help you a ton! Awesome!

Having that regular plan is very important! Keep at it.

Ahh thank you for you kindness my friend. How are you doing by the way?

Yeap. It's lke app. I got very busy with the group that I failed to do my daily post. Talking about consistency😂😂😂. Post guides, house rules, and tutorials so it is easier for them to start at steemit.

I think I made enough to keep them busy, I maybe able to concentrate on doing my 30%. Only done the 70% this past few days. Hope for the best.

Thanks for asking my friend. I see and feel your passion these past few days. You're on fire! Keep doing it. I'm following your footsteps. 😉

Cool analogy. I like Bugatti's, the Veyron anyway, I have not yet seen the Chiron.

Actions do equal results, the cause and effect is a universal law I believe. However I think it necessary to try different actions in order to get the desired results, but action is most definitely necessary!

As Einstein says "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results".

In addition to this I would say make discomfort your comfort zone and you will always be comfortable.

That's the Bugatti Chiron :)

I think it necessary to try different actions in order to get the desired results

Well of course :) Success is really just process of elimination.. Nicely said!

I love that phrase. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Stay awesome :)

Whoa, that looks cool as hell! 😎