Talking to homeless people taught me some very precious life lessons

in #life7 years ago

What do you think when you see some homeless people? Do you belong to the ones that feel sorry for them, the ones who judge them or feel even disgusted, or the ones that try to help and be there?

When I was only a teenager I started asking myself why people start to treat their brothers and sisters around the world so much different (and mostly negative) when they need their love, compassion and help the most.

I never cared about how someone is looking or dressed, whether he/she has a job or not and things like that. Even when I was a very young girl I was only interested in who they are, what their stories are. I didn't care about society things. To me we are all the same, we are humans.

And so I started spreading the love I wished to be normal amongst our global family and give help and hope to those who appreciate it the most.

Whenever I saw a homeless person sitting on the street or another place outside, I went over to say „Hi“, give them a smile and ask what they need. Most of them were very hungry and thirsty and so I often bought some food and drinks and returned to have lunch together. Besides the infinite gratitude and their touched heart, I got so much more back for my help (even if I never expected anything in return). By not only giving them their meal, but sitting down with them, eat together and listen to their stories and wisdom, I learned a lot of very precious and touching life lessons.

Today I want to share the voice of the unheard with you. Maybe it inspires you to sit down with them, have lunch and talk to them, too. For you it is maybe only a few Dollars/Euros or whatever currency you have and a few minutes or hours. To them it can mean the world!

I am very grateful for every lesson they taught me, every touching story they shared with me and every smile they gifted me with.


Always see the positive side of the situation – it makes life much easier and beautiful!


This lesson gave me the goosebumps. I talked to the poorest people with no home, no food and no comfortable clothes to wear and they told me to stay positive!
Their words impressed and touched me so deep, I had tears in my eyes.

„By complaining about your life and the situation you only make it worse and close every door to see the wonderful things that are around you and you are blessed with!“ one of them said.

„What are the positive things in your situation for you?“ I asked.

He answered: „I am free! I can go wherever I want, sleep wherever I want, I don't have to do a job that makes me unhappy and I can just be, just live! Every day is an adventure. I never know what tomorrow will bring, what I will eat, where I will spend my time and what people I will meet. People with a normal life only experience routine. Yes, they have a warm home, a bed and good clothes. But their life is somehow dead sometimes. They do the same job, always know what they will do the next day and what they are going to eat. There is no surprise in their life anymore. But mine, may it be as poor and humble as it is, is full of surprises, life and adventures!“

I started to think about it still dosen't let me go after many, many years. This man has such a great mindset, I guess! He also has some days when he could scream or cry and is sad, but most of the time he remembers the good things and so discovers the positive aspects in his situation. He inspired me a lot to keep in mind that every medal has two sides and it is up to us which one we will give the most attention to!

Don't be jealous of those who have more – be grateful for what you have!


Isn't it impressive that those who need help and material support the most teach you to be grateful for what you have?

Most of us tend to get very jealous on those who have more money, travel more often, have a nicer home or things like that. And they get so frustrated that they aren't able to enjoy what they are blessed with anymore!

Many of the homeless people I talked to said that they quit being envious on people walking by and eating delicious foods just for fun while they couldn't even afford a proper meal. By being happy that they get enough from the people that are willing to help that they were able to survive and have something to eat at all, they got a whole new perspective. Instead of thinking: „ Oh man, she's eating some tasty Italian food and delicious ice cream while I can only eat some bread and cheese!“ a lot of them started to think: „Wow, I have some bread and cheese and I have enough food for today! Other people worked for it, so I can survive and now I am here and can enjoy it! Isn't that great?“

This isn't only a beautiful act of gratituade, but also such a wise way to get aware of everyday's blessings instead of overlooking them due to all the envy and frustration. (Even if I think the ones who taught me that lesson would have any right to feel frustrated, which makes it even more impressive to me!)

And one thing they told me again and again: Gratitude makes every situation SO much better. Whenever you are down, feel lonely or find yourself in a heavy situation just try to find the things you can be grateful for and your suffering will be so much smaller!

You can't imagine how much they rejoiced when I brought them some foods they only eat very rarely, such as chocolate, cake, ice cream, and other yummy things as they have to spend their money on foods to survice in the first place. They said: „Everyone is grateful for things like that, but to people like us who eat them so seldom, it's like a piece of heaven! So one beautiful lesson being homeless taugh us: Being grateful and not taking anything for granted!“

And they are absolutely right! There will always be people that have more than we in some ways. But this should never keep us from seeing all the things we have and that life gifted us with!

Hearing such humble words by those who sometimes don't even get fed up showed me that we always can find something to be thankful for!

Know your value!


The stories and reasons why the people I talked to became homeless are as versatile as life itself. Some of them even fighted until the end, but they had no other choice that living on the street.
This is not only sad and makes me angry, there is one thing that makes it even worse:

People treating them disrespectful just because they are in this awful situation! This is so hurtful and degrading. One of the men once told me that he and his friends all ended up on the street for reasons they had absolutely no influence on. They were just victims of the system and modern society. And it's exactly them who judge and attack them for being in this situation! Isn't this terrible?

In Germany there are different homeless newspapers which they can sell to people to at least earn a little money to buy food and drinks. But a lot of people yell at or even insult them!
„Look for a real job, parasite!“ and other painful things like that some people shout, one of the men told me. He even experienced how homless have been attacked just for being homeless!

„This hurts so bad! But one day you feel like standing on a crossroad thinking: Do I really want those people to destroy me, or do I want to get aware of my value? I am also a human being, just like them! The only difference between us is that they have more money than I do and a warm home! Remembering my own value became kind of my prayer, it made me strong. Like a protective shield against negative vibes. And it helped me to get through all this and not give up.“

The strength, their stories and their will to believe in themselves made me cry.

„Whatever happens to you girl, NEVER ever forget one thing: You will always be as importnat as anyone else! No one will ever be more important than you! Especially not because they have money! Keep that in mind! You deserve to be treted respectful in any situation in your life. And if anyone does not treat you right, stand up and never let someone push you down!“


These are only a few of the emotional and valuable lessons I learned while having lunch with homeless people and listening to the stories of their lifes. And I am so excited what I I will learn from them in the future!

Please don't look away! They are often wonderful and grateful people who are very happy to get some help or just someone to talk to. Support your fellow human beings and spread some love 💖

All the best to you!😘

Yours Linda

Source of the pictures is


Nice post. I see your into psy so check out my stuff if you have time :) <3

Thank you very much :)
Oh yes, I LOVE psy!! :)
I'll definately check your stuff out, thank you :) <3
Best wishes and good vibes! :)

Now this is a great and valuable post on Steemit! I took the liberty of resteeming it.
When I was young I'd randomly chat with homeless people. What I learned back then was, that homeless people need to be treated with the same respect as you would like to be treated with. Right now I am living next to a shelter for the homeless and know that the difference between them and me are pure circumstance. I'm not better than them. Their fate is just a different one.
But I was without a home once for a period of time and lived off 1 DM a day. Those times gave me perspective. And ever since gratitude became an instinct.
Those who treat others badly because of their misfortune should experience the lowest lows of life. It might help them regain their humanity.

So thank you for this valuable post and have a good evening :)

Hey dear @sunra! :)
Wow, thank you VERY much!! I appreciate your lovely comment and support from all my heart! Very touching words! Thank you for sharing your story with me!

I am really glad to read you're one of those (unfortunately) rare fellow people who chat and care for the homeless and learn from them :)
You're absolutely right, they want and deserve to be treated with the same respect than anybody else! They are often great people and it reall only is a stroke of fate that made them end up in this situation.
Living next to a homeless shelter must be very touching and also bring you interesting encounters and chats as well. They really can be happy to have you around! :)

I really like your point of view, the way you treat and see them and that you are aware of how precious every human being is, no matter what social class they are. There should be more people than you <3

Wow, I am really impressed, touched and amazed by how you have been without a home and lived off 1 DM a day and yet managed to see the good things and learn some very valuable lessons from this time! You're really a strong and great person, do you know that?
I never was homeless, but almost lost my apartment during my job training (because the financial support from the offices came WAY too late...afet 7 months.. and I needed to sue them in court to get my money) and I also lived off very, very less money a day. Sometimes I didn't even really know if I would be able to buy some food the next days. But I am so happy I had this time, as I also learned to be a real survivor, how to live off almost nothing and to be very grateful for everything I have.

"Those who treat others badly because of their misfortune should experience the lowest lows of life. It might help them regain their humanity."
YES!!! Absolutely agree! If they would have to walk in their shoes for only one day they would be so lost and desperate. And I am sure they would never ever judge them again. It's sad how a lot of people are so judgemental, rude, disrespectful and even lost their humanity, as you said!

But it's people like you that give me hope! Thank you so much for that! And thank you from all my heart for your valuable comment, your wonderful and heartwarming words and touching story and your altruism! And of yourse your support, which makes me very grateful! :)

Have a good evening and coming week, too! :) <3

Vielen Dank für das Kompliment :) Aber ich müßte noch etwas hinzufügen:
So wie die Welt sich gerade entwickelt wird es nicht anders kommen, als das die Menschen in aller Welt werden lernen müssen, ihre Menschlichkeit wieder zu entdecken. Viele, denen es heute gut geht, werden die unerbittliche Kehrseite erleben. Und für die Unvorbereiteten wird es ein großes Drama sein.
Aber es scheint auch so, daß diese Phase kollektiv durchgemacht werden muß. Wir haben uns so sehr von allem Wahren entfernt, daß es mir scheint, eine große "Zurechtrückung" ist unabdingbar. Da wird es für diejenigen, die schon ein helleres Herz haben leichter sein.

Aber ich bin zuversichtlich, daß das große Umdenken gut ausgehen wird.

Noch einen schönen Frühling auch an dieser Stelle :)

Well written and insightful post @endorphoenix on a subject that has so many different avenues and perspective.
Looks like your were given valuable insight into gratitude. and being humble.😊
I love reading your great articles 😊
Namaste my lovely friend

Aaaaw thank you from all my heart my dear! :)
How nice you like my posts! :) <3
I really love spreading the message to help others, being humble and showing gratitude. And of course to raise awareness for our brothers and sisters :)
It's so good to hear you appreciate it! <3
I hope you have a wonderful day and MANY things to be grateful for! :)
Namaste my fabulous friend and good-vibes-hero! :)

Omg, that's pretty crazy, as I was just thinking that you will like the article I wrote today on my page, and then your message came through, I must have picked up on your focused energy 😊
Hope your having a wonderful day. Wishing you warm smiles from my heart ❤xx

Oh my god! :D Synchronicity strikes again <3 :D
How amazing is that?? :D <3
I will go and check your article out dear! :) I am very excited! :)
How great we are so connected, WOW! This leaves me speechless once again! :D
Thank you so much! My day is so wonderful! A lot of sun, I am smiling a lot, singing, soon I'll do some creative stuff and I am feeling your lovely vibes so much! :) :)
I wish you a magical and happy day full of sun, love, laughter and warm hugs from my heart! :) <3

If you have Discord and would like to add me dear, here's my Discord number: #4724 :) <3

I'm having trouble finding you 😊 maybe send ne a message my discord name is #happysmileyman 😊

No problem :)
To search you I need the number of your account which you can find under your name with a # in front of it :)
Unfortunately I can't search friends by the name :(
So if you could send me your number, I can add you :)

The most distressing thing is that we collectively as humans and in any society can solve their problems. How can we accept that someone who is as human as we are suffer hunger, bad weather, illness and homelessness. It literally could be any one of us.

On the other side, sometimes I feel they are not as sad as I believe, finally they don’t pay their freedom, ability to choose and time for money. They never compromise who they are for the house, car and the pay check. Which makes their lives more lived than any of us.

Should government help the poor or should we the people help the poor, and better yet, how do we go about helping them, when, how, why, and so on? Great questions. Hire them. Befriend them. Challenge them.

Yes! So true! We all, the government and we as fellow humans, should do anything to help them. Whether it's by bringing them clothes, foods, inviting them to dinner or firing them when we have a business! It's the duty of us all to help each other. Together we can reach and do so much! :)

Absolutely agree in both paragraphs!
It is a shame we don't help them enough so they can get the life they wish and deserve. We all could do so much to make the world a better place for our fellow human beings in need. I just can't understand why people keep on looking away, doing as if it is not their business and even judge them!

But on the other hand, you are so right in what you said: There are also many points which sometimes make a "normal" life so much more sad! Yes, most people in society have a home, a car, all the stuff they need and want and tons of clothes. But they have to sell their souls and lifes to get all that and be able to afford that lifestyle.

Hugs to you my dear :) <3

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Thank you VERY MUCH!!! :) :) :)

Agreed. Thanks. Me too. I talked to homeless in Hawaii for a year with The Salvation Army and we would befriend them, share meals with them, and encouraged some of them towards recovery programs in some cases. And like you said, you can learn a lot from them too. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Dear Joey! :)
Thank you SO MUCH for you lovely comment!
It's so heart-warming to read how you cared for them and were there for the people that needed you!
You're such a good soul! :)
And it's such a beautiful act to befriend with them and learn from them :)
They have a lot of lessons to teach, "normal" living people can not teach you! :)
I hope you're blessed for all the love you share! :)

Hey girl, thanks. How are you?

Hey dear Joey :)
Thank you I am very fine! Spring is coming and I am super happy about it :D
And how are you doing? I hope you're super fine, too! :)

I am good. Happy to see you.

I am happy you're good :)
Aaaaw, nice to see you too dear Joey! :)

Dear girl, thanks, hehe, so lovely.