Can't stop crying after watching this video(i love you mum)

in #life7 years ago

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Imagine eating at McDonalds everyday, dropping out of high school prematurely, jumping off a bridge on a worn-out bungee cord or sleeping in bed with scorpions at night.

These things can be pretty dangerous, but one thing can be more detrimental to your health and endanger your destiny more than any of the above.

Friends and acquaintances, – those who influence us, – can unknowingly – be like a tasteless poison added to a good chamomile tea.

When it comes to following God’s amazing destiny and plans he has for us, we need to watch out who we hang around with.

Our friends can turn us against our parents or the soul mate God puts in our life. They can encourage our selfishness and independence, steal our emotional energy and even manipulate our very lives without us even realizing it!
This video torches my heart ,i cant stop crying after watching it,friends turn his back on the only person that believed in him,show me your friends and i will show you your future,when you hang out with losers ,you will be the biggest loser of them all because they will make you give up on your dream .
We are define by choices but if you surround yourself with people that are involve in drug,alcohol and pill believe me it a dead end it leads to broken heart ,broken relationship,and broken dream for what to get drunk or high?
Have realised how precious the gift of life is and our families and how quickly it can be taken away.
Lets no longer live in time ,live in moment is not what that is in your pocket that matters but what is in your heart that trully matters.
Love is just a word until somebody comes to give it a meaning.