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RE: Viking Beers!!

in #life7 years ago

You had me at ‘Viking Beers!!’

The beers look great and I really need to start taking notes on which are Brewhalla and which should crawl back into Hel.

That said, I can’t help but trying to find some sort of easteregg in that bookcase of yours whenever it’s in the background. You know brooks with titles like ‘The Thirty Thirsty Tittieslappers Trucking Through Tatabanja’ or ‘Moobs: turn on or turn off’ ...


Ha, there are probably so many bad books in that bookcase. I should clear it out and put only lofty intellectual books in!!

Well, I do believe I see Patrick Rothfuss in there so it sure as high hell can’t be all bad !

Hehe, oh yeah, he is amazing. My ones are good, the wife's ones, hehe. Maybe not so much!

Wait wait ... are we married to the same woman ?! LOL ... bouquet romance novels ... facepalm.

Yeah, I suspect it is so. I despair is the twoddle that shares the vicar with my stuff!! Lol