What I despise about living in Boulder Colorado

What I can't stand is the constant conversation; not the effects, uses, market capitalization, methods of production and advertising of pot, but rather the discourse about it's relationship with the law.
You might say, "Oh @escapehatch your just allowing yourself to get pissed off at discourse, a thing that lies far outside your control, and of course, you can chooser not to listen." But for the sake of my sanity, bare with me here.

I used to think pot was a great topic of conversation. In highschool I smoked this stuff by the bucket, I used to buy ounces for personal consumption, blowing my hard earned money so that I could be unproductive and have friends like everyone else. Perhaps this wasn't your experience, but it was mine, and it's the main reason I've quite all drug usage, including alcohol. I want a self determined life, and I wasn't getting that on the o'll herb - once again you may have had a vastly different experience with the drug, pot does different things to different people.
I thought it was really cool when I first moved to Boulder for College. Cool that you could role around smoking the stuff without consequence, unlike my home town. Cool that everyone, and I mean everyone smokes it, is ready to buy/sell/share. Cool that I could become friends with people so easily. But then I started to really listen. I began to notice that it was all anyone talked about.

Maybe I'm just so damn jaded by the law that I can no longer handle any conversation that delves into the nitty gritty details of exactly what the fascists have decided you are and are not allowed to do. Every conversation over dinner, every time someone learns that I live in Boulder, this is the immediate topic of conversation.

Maybe I do have a reason to be glad that it's legal now: people will stop associating it exclusively with Boulder, and thus with me.
Boulder is a melting pot of ideological crazies, entrepreneurs, capitalists, communists, weirdos, homeless people out the wazu, and much, much more.
Much more than "that place with the weed"
It's the place where I Make films

And a place where I've met some amazing people.

And a place for me to exercise my road rage! (Thats not me by the way.)

You can find more of my content right here @escapehatch
Include the tag poetry.
"There is so much more to Boulder than weed, just as there is so much more to the world than government. "
Nice :)
thanks @mcpeth - I'll be sure to do that next time
You can check out more of poetry at @escapehatch if your feeling into it
Could you please point me in the direction of cheap rental properties with high download/upload speed in colorado? @escapehatch @mapala.net