Faith In Fate

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it. Each of us are binded by fate, all of our fates, all of our destinies are written long before we’re even born. Fate is a powerful abiotic and whether we like it or not, we cannot change our fate. What’s meant to happen will happen.

Sometimes, you have to stop worrying, wondering and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it’s meant to be. Let your heart be at ease knowing that what was meant for you will never miss you, and what misses you was never meant for you, always look for the positive in life.
We’ve changed ourselves, we’ve changed our world but no matter how powerful the human race becomes, the truth remains, we’re never going to be able to change our fate. We don’t know what’s going to happen in our future, we don’t know what our fate holds for us, as scary as that sounds, if your life is falling apart and you abandon your faith, it’ll fall apart faster and in worse ways.
No matter what’s going on in life, have faith in fate, have faith in the destiny written for you, have faith in the almighty, have faith in the power of the Universe. Now, many of you might not believe this, but I believe in the power of the universe, the power of the universe decides one’s fate to a large degree. Paulo Coelho writes in his book ‘The Alchemist’: When you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. Fate.
Why do the things which happen to us, happen to us? Why do meet the people that we meet? Why do we fall in love with people, slowly and then all at once? Fate.
Even the best of men cannot suspend or escape their fate, some die early and some die late but eventually we all hit the grave. That’s the ultimate fate for all of us: death. Death is just a proof that we cannot escape our fate.
Having faith in fate is vital. Nothing must be forced, everything takes it own time, let fate take its course. Don’t rush things, don’t force people to stay, the things and people meant to be in your life need’nt be forced, they will stay no matter what. Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out, embrace the unknown and let life surprise you. Have faith in time, time has the power to change and destroy everything but in the end, time heals everything, and if things aren’t healed, everything isn’t right, then it means that it isn’t the end.
But the strange part about fate is that it changes. Yes, it cannot be changed by us but if our actions are not on the right path leading us to our destiny, our fate itself changes
Fate makes many of us sad, our plight depresses us, but if we have true faith and BELIEVE that the road we’re on is leading to somewhere beautiful, we will experience joy, no matter how random things might appear, there’s always a plan made for you.