Why is Healthy Lifestyle So Hard to Maintain?

in #life6 years ago

Everyone knows that you are healthier and happier when you eat, sleep and exercise regularly, but why is it so damn hard?

Numerous studies, year after year, always say that a regular daily schedule is good for you. It’s often implemented while raising children and stressed how important it is. But what happened after the childhood years and why is it not stressed enough that adults need structure too?

Of course, if you get too stuck into a very strict routine, that’ll kill you too. Well, everything will, eventually, so it matters how long you live and how you feel the time being. Healthy lifestyle, which some indulging every now and then, is the best way in my opinion.

I for one feel so much better when I wake up early without the alarm, go for walks outside, eat healthy meals and go to bed before the AM hours. I try to go out to meet friends, work in between, having a good balance with everything in my life. I know I feel and look better when I do these things, but it’s so hard to maintain it!

I keep slipping to one bad habit, eating poorly, soon after I sleep at odd hours, taking long naps and killing my braincells watching Youtube for hours. I feel like shit when I do that, yet I keep slipping into these harmful things. I can usually keep up with the good habits for a few days, until I do one thing to fuck it up, and then it’s all downhill for the next week(s). Sometimes I can snap back to the healthy lifestyle after one slip up, but most of the time I can’t.

I’m currently doing pretty damn well with sleep, I get 6-8 hours and I wake up without the alarm around 8am. That is normal person sleep schedule, something I have NEVER had. I find that I have a lot more time to do things these days, but I am lacking on the actual doing part… I usually try to do all the tasks during they day, so I can chill out in the evening and go to bed early. Though my problem is that I can not go to sleep much before midnight, because my body thinks it’s only a nap and wakes me up at 1AM again. Asshole.

The eating department is on the healthier side, but I snack too much and don’t eat enough proper meals, but at least I haven’t ordered take out in a couple weeks. I suck at the exercise and going out part, big time. I can easily spend a few days without leaving home, as long as I have food. But I do feel a lot better if I go on little walks, I’m just often too lazy to drag my butt outside, but I’m working on it.

Today is a really good day, it’s 10AM and I already went to the city centre to ran errands and do grocery shopping. Now I will have breakfast and start scheming what to do for the rest of the day. Have a great day Steemit friends and stalkers!


You need to make the things that are healthy fit into YOUR lifestyle, not have a lifestyle that is healthy. The only important things, at your age, are good sleep and limiting the bad things you eat. The exercise thing you can work into your lifestyle when you can.

You can't change who you are, but you can nibble around the edges to improve slowly over time. You are just an artist who is sculpting a masterpiece......................... it takes time.

If I dont set up an alarm, I sleep over 10h without it so not many other choices for me.

I used to be like that, when my schedule was super fucked up and I was still going to regular work.

Sounds like me right now :D

I do feel a lot better if I go on little walks, I’m just often too lazy to drag my butt outside

Try going out when there's sun. The next day you'll automatically feel like going out without effort from your side.

That is very bad advice for someone living in Finland, the sun is not very active in coming out here 😂😅 We'll soon only have 4-6 hours of daylight, and that doesn't even mean that the sun is visible.

Looks like the sun itself is very lazy in your place :P

YEah so what can you expect from us that live under it 🤷🏻‍♀️

I go for a walk every evening/night without a doubt. Maybe a small one maybe a big one nobody knows before it have happend! Haha.
If you wanna do some exercise, do 10 or even 5 pushups, 5-10 back-lift-thingiys and 5-10 ab thingiys after you wake up. That is a really great start of the day and I feel I become stronger slowly but surely! :D

Posted using Partiko Android

I have tried doing some little exercise in the morning at times, but I just hate it so much, it's not for me. But a walk in the morning is something that gets me up really nicely!

Not even 5 pushup? It doesn't have to bebhard its just a start :D It would also help with some chemical balance in your brain regarding a more naturel sleep pattern :D

But a walk is also really good! Fresh air in the morning is the best!

Posted using Partiko Android

Exercises like that bore me to death, if I move, it needs to be something fun, like walking outside or dancing.

Of course, if you get too stuck into a very strict routine, that’ll kill you too.

If your routine is strict, take out time for your health & it will be fine.
As, a healthy body has a healthy mind.
Thank You!

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That will take care of your eating habits.