GENDER REVEAL!!! - My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 12

in #life4 years ago


Up until my 12th-week pregnancy, I chose not to tell everybody, not even my mother and my other siblings, about me being pregnant. I only told my mother-in-law, my sister (who lives in America), my Director, and a select few from my workplace and church. I was told that the first trimester is the most crucial and the most delicate stage of pregnancy, and I had been so conscious about that. I didn't want to announce it just yet in case I would end up heartbroken and devastated.

I decided to announce it on Facebook so that all my families, relatives and friends would get the news. Here's what I posted:

If I have to list down every way how God has taken care of me over the years, the list would be endless. I see each day as a gift. I must admit there were times that I staggered with doubt because there have been prayers that were not answered. But I'm always led back to a reminder of God's grace and faithfulness over my life.

This week, John and I are now 12 weeks pregnant. I've always desired it in my heart for God to bless us with a child. And, FINALLY, AN ANSWERED PRAYER!!!! When I first learnt about my pregnancy through a blood test, I was overwhelmed with the incredible joy that I have never felt before. It's unexplainable. All I could utter was "Thank You, Lord, Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, God!!!" And I cried so much the whole day - from such joy and happiness and gratitude, that finally, I will experience the JOY of motherhood. God never fails!

A miracle of life is forming in my womb now. I still can't believe it. It just feels unreal. When I saw for the first time our baby's heartbeat, again, I cried. I kept saying, "God's amazing!" I just can't wait for our baby to be born into this world. He or she will be loved and cared for tremendously, and both John and I are so excited about our new journey.

P.S. I just want to thank ALL OF THE PEOPLE that prayed for me and prayed with me because YOU knew how I've prayed about this ceaselessly. Thank you so much. Thank you for always lifting my spirits up and reminding me how much God loves me.

Here's my baby at 12 weeks:

12W2D SCAN.png

GENDER REVEAL!!! Here's my baby at 19 weeks:

It's a Boy.jpg

Again, I could not thank the Lord enough for this wonderful miracle and for granting me my heart's desire... MY FIRSTBORN IS A BOY!!! I could already feel it even before the sonographer revealed the gender of our baby, as I was crying while looking at the baby's face on the screen, he was yawning and sucking his thumb, while his legs stretched and kicked... I knew and I felt it that we are going to have a boy. But even if my instincts were wrong, I would still be more than thankful to God for blessing us with a child, whom we will care for and love for the rest of our lives. It's just more special because I've always prayed for a baby boy (at least the first one), and my Heavenly Father answered my prayer. God is truly amazing and always faithful!!!

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Note: This won't be the last of my pregnancy journal. I will still share some more wonderful news with you and I hope that you are inspired by my testimony. Thank you for reading and for following.

Previous Posts:
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 1
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 2
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 3
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 4
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 5
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 6
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 7
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 8
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 9
My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 10
IT'S POSITIVE! I'M PREGNANT! - My IVF Pregnancy Journey Part 11



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