Just wait

in #life7 years ago (edited)
type Hangouts struct {
    ContinuationEndTimestamp string `json:"continuation_end_timestamp"`
    ConversationState        []struct {
        ConversationID struct {
            ID string `json:"id"`
        } `json:"conversation_id"`
        ConversationState struct {
            Conversation struct {
                CurrentParticipant []struct {
                    ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                    GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                } `json:"current_participant"`
                ForceHistoryState      string `json:"force_history_state"`
                ForkOnExternalInvite   bool   `json:"fork_on_external_invite"`
                GroupLinkSharingStatus string `json:"group_link_sharing_status"`
                HasActiveHangout       bool   `json:"has_active_hangout"`
                ID                     struct {
                    ID string `json:"id"`
                } `json:"id"`
                Name            string   `json:"name"`
                NetworkType     []string `json:"network_type"`
                OtrStatus       string   `json:"otr_status"`
                OtrToggle       string   `json:"otr_toggle"`
                ParticipantData []struct {
                    FallbackName string `json:"fallback_name"`
                    ID           struct {
                        ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                        GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                    } `json:"id"`
                    InvitationStatus    string `json:"invitation_status"`
                    NewInvitationStatus string `json:"new_invitation_status"`
                    ParticipantType     string `json:"participant_type"`
                    PhoneNumber         struct {
                        E164     string `json:"e164"`
                        I18nData struct {
                            CountryCode         int64  `json:"country_code"`
                            InternationalNumber string `json:"international_number"`
                            IsValid             bool   `json:"is_valid"`
                            NationalNumber      string `json:"national_number"`
                            RegionCode          string `json:"region_code"`
                            ValidationResult    string `json:"validation_result"`
                        } `json:"i18n_data"`
                    } `json:"phone_number"`
                } `json:"participant_data"`
                ReadState []struct {
                    LatestReadTimestamp string `json:"latest_read_timestamp"`
                    ParticipantID       struct {
                        ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                        GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                    } `json:"participant_id"`
                } `json:"read_state"`
                SelfConversationState struct {
                    ActiveTimestamp      string `json:"active_timestamp"`
                    DeliveryMediumOption []struct {
                        CurrentDefault bool `json:"current_default"`
                        DeliveryMedium struct {
                            MediumType string `json:"medium_type"`
                            SelfPhone  struct {
                                E164     string `json:"e164"`
                                I18nData struct {
                                    CountryCode         int64  `json:"country_code"`
                                    InternationalNumber string `json:"international_number"`
                                    IsValid             bool   `json:"is_valid"`
                                    NationalNumber      string `json:"national_number"`
                                    RegionCode          string `json:"region_code"`
                                    ValidationResult    string `json:"validation_result"`
                                } `json:"i18n_data"`
                            } `json:"self_phone"`
                        } `json:"delivery_medium"`
                        Primary bool `json:"primary"`
                    } `json:"delivery_medium_option"`
                    InviteTimestamp string `json:"invite_timestamp"`
                    InviterID       struct {
                        ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                        GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                    } `json:"inviter_id"`
                    IsGuest           bool   `json:"is_guest"`
                    NotificationLevel string `json:"notification_level"`
                    SelfReadState     struct {
                        LatestReadTimestamp string `json:"latest_read_timestamp"`
                        ParticipantID       struct {
                            ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                            GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                        } `json:"participant_id"`
                    } `json:"self_read_state"`
                    SortTimestamp string   `json:"sort_timestamp"`
                    Status        string   `json:"status"`
                    View          []string `json:"view"`
                } `json:"self_conversation_state"`
                Type string `json:"type"`
            } `json:"conversation"`
            ConversationID struct {
                ID string `json:"id"`
            } `json:"conversation_id"`
            Event []struct {
                AdvancesSortTimestamp bool `json:"advances_sort_timestamp"`
                ChatMessage           struct {
                    Annotation []struct {
                        Type  int64  `json:"type"`
                        Value string `json:"value"`
                    } `json:"annotation"`
                    MessageContent struct {
                        Attachment []struct {
                            EmbedItem struct {
                                Embeds_PlaceV2_placeV2 struct {
                                    Address struct {
                                        Embeds_PostalAddressV2_postalAddressV2 struct {
                                        AddressCountry string `json:"address_country"`
                                        AddressRegion  string `json:"address_region"`
                                        Name           string `json:"name"`
                                        StreetAddress  string `json:"street_address"`
                                        } `json:"embeds.PostalAddressV2.postal_address_v2"`
                                        Type []string `json:"type"`
                                    } `json:"address"`
                                    ClusterID string `json:"cluster_id"`
                                    Geo       struct {
                                        Embeds_GeoCoordinatesV2_geoCoordinatesV2 struct {
                                        Latitude  float64 `json:"latitude"`
                                        Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
                                        } `json:"embeds.GeoCoordinatesV2.geo_coordinates_v2"`
                                        Type []string `json:"type"`
                                    } `json:"geo"`
                                    Name                string `json:"name"`
                                    ReferenceID         string `json:"reference_id"`
                                    RepresentativeImage struct {
                                        Embeds_ImageObjectV2_imageObjectV2 struct {
                                        Height string `json:"height"`
                                        URL    string `json:"url"`
                                        Width  string `json:"width"`
                                        } `json:"embeds.ImageObjectV2.image_object_v2"`
                                        ID   string   `json:"id"`
                                        Type []string `json:"type"`
                                    } `json:"representative_image"`
                                    URL string `json:"url"`
                                } `json:"embeds.PlaceV2.place_v2"`
                                Embeds_PlusAudioV2_plusAudioV2 struct {
                                    AlbumID           string `json:"album_id"`
                                    Duration          string `json:"duration"`
                                    EmbedURL          string `json:"embed_url"`
                                    MediaKey          string `json:"media_key"`
                                    OwnerObfuscatedID string `json:"owner_obfuscated_id"`
                                    PhotoID           string `json:"photo_id"`
                                    URL               string `json:"url"`
                                } `json:"embeds.PlusAudioV2.plus_audio_v2"`
                                Embeds_PlusPhoto_plusPhoto struct {
                                    AlbumID            string   `json:"album_id"`
                                    DownloadURL        string   `json:"download_url"`
                                    MediaType          string   `json:"media_type"`
                                    OriginalContentURL string   `json:"original_content_url"`
                                    OwnerObfuscatedID  string   `json:"owner_obfuscated_id"`
                                    PhotoID            string   `json:"photo_id"`
                                    StreamID           []string `json:"stream_id"`
                                    Thumbnail          struct {
                                        HeightPx int64  `json:"height_px"`
                                        ImageURL string `json:"image_url"`
                                        URL      string `json:"url"`
                                        WidthPx  int64  `json:"width_px"`
                                    } `json:"thumbnail"`
                                    URL string `json:"url"`
                                } `json:"embeds.PlusPhoto.plus_photo"`
                                Embeds_ThingV2_thingV2 struct {
                                    Name                string `json:"name"`
                                    RepresentativeImage struct {
                                        Embeds_ImageObjectV2_imageObjectV2 struct {
                                        Height string `json:"height"`
                                        URL    string `json:"url"`
                                        Width  string `json:"width"`
                                        } `json:"embeds.ImageObjectV2.image_object_v2"`
                                        ID   string   `json:"id"`
                                        Type []string `json:"type"`
                                    } `json:"representative_image"`
                                    URL string `json:"url"`
                                } `json:"embeds.ThingV2.thing_v2"`
                                ID   string   `json:"id"`
                                Type []string `json:"type"`
                            } `json:"embed_item"`
                            ID string `json:"id"`
                        } `json:"attachment"`
                        Segment []struct {
                            Formatting struct {
                                Bold          bool `json:"bold"`
                                Italics       bool `json:"italics"`
                                Strikethrough bool `json:"strikethrough"`
                                Underline     bool `json:"underline"`
                            } `json:"formatting"`
                            LinkData struct {
                                DisplayURL string `json:"display_url"`
                                LinkTarget string `json:"link_target"`
                            } `json:"link_data"`
                            Text string `json:"text"`
                            Type string `json:"type"`
                        } `json:"segment"`
                    } `json:"message_content"`
                } `json:"chat_message"`
                ConversationID struct {
                    ID string `json:"id"`
                } `json:"conversation_id"`
                ConversationRename struct {
                    NewName string `json:"new_name"`
                    OldName string `json:"old_name"`
                } `json:"conversation_rename"`
                DeliveryMedium struct {
                    MediumType string `json:"medium_type"`
                    SelfPhone  struct {
                        E164 string `json:"e164"`
                    } `json:"self_phone"`
                } `json:"delivery_medium"`
                EventID      string `json:"event_id"`
                EventOtr     string `json:"event_otr"`
                EventType    string `json:"event_type"`
                EventVersion string `json:"event_version"`
                HangoutEvent struct {
                    EventType           string `json:"event_type"`
                    HangoutDurationSecs string `json:"hangout_duration_secs"`
                    MediaType           string `json:"media_type"`
                    ParticipantID       []struct {
                        ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                        GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                    } `json:"participant_id"`
                } `json:"hangout_event"`
                MembershipChange struct {
                    LeaveReason   string `json:"leave_reason"`
                    ParticipantID []struct {
                        ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                        GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                    } `json:"participant_id"`
                    Type string `json:"type"`
                } `json:"membership_change"`
                SelfEventState struct {
                    ClientGeneratedID string `json:"client_generated_id"`
                    NotificationLevel string `json:"notification_level"`
                    UserID            struct {
                        ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                        GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                    } `json:"user_id"`
                } `json:"self_event_state"`
                SenderID struct {
                    ChatID string `json:"chat_id"`
                    GaiaID string `json:"gaia_id"`
                } `json:"sender_id"`
                Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`
            } `json:"event"`
            EventContinuationToken struct {
                EventTimestamp           string `json:"event_timestamp"`
                StorageContinuationToken string `json:"storage_continuation_token"`
            } `json:"event_continuation_token"`
        } `json:"conversation_state"`
        ResponseHeader struct {
            BuildLabel        string `json:"build_label"`
            ChangelistNumber  int64  `json:"changelist_number"`
            CurrentServerTime string `json:"current_server_time"`
            DebugURL          string `json:"debug_url"`
            RequestTraceID    string `json:"request_trace_id"`
            Status            string `json:"status"`
        } `json:"response_header"`
    } `json:"conversation_state"`

Need it to process my chats, you see.

That must be a Go struct with indications on how to serialize the struct in json, but the markdown has eaten the backticks, at least if you read it on steemit.

You a dev xinta?

Sort of. I pay the bills programming, and I like computer languages, so that I've “tried” a bite or two of many languages, and among these also Go.


Only reason i ask is because there is lots of room to earn from building cool additional things.

And that's interesting too. I've already cloned steemit github repo but hadn't time to dig it yet. I think there's a lot to study before being productive/useful. Maybe thinking about a bot using radiator would be more feasable with few spare time.