Matchbox True Story

in #life7 years ago

If I am doing a radio program here, I will not impose my opinion on you. But I will try to listen to your opinion, that every human is a measure of patience. If anyone drinks anger, someone stumble and sorrow. Someone likes to shrink, and turns away from heart and heart.
we were filled with lubrication, we went away, but we remained silent but the hand got up
Kashi was listening to Lata Radio in Kashi. AR Jale welcomed new listeners in his beautiful voice. What he talked about was interesting for him. People are so angry. Kashi's mind came to her mind immediately. RJ spotted again. What is the end to force you to anger? Why do not you see things right from the side? What is happening in the mind of the man who suddenly gets madly angry? Come on and join me in today's program. Tell us that when someone brings anger to you, you are angry. What do you do? S, M, S, and Say Phone Number Now, the matter of heart which you have not told anyone till now. Kashan thought in heart, I wish I was listening to this program too. While Manor was the one who was the one.
She sat on the top of the glass and was busy smiling and shining her nails in small glasses. As soon as she got her daughter Arif Arif Chaay's cup. He also brought food to Arifine. It was busy again. After two to three days, Munawar used to do this, he would have taken a swing after he was shouting. But when he took tea and did not find sugar in it, then angry and beat the warm hot tea with a wall in front of a wall. A twenty-one-year-old Arifine, who was missing from within his own thoughts, was missing, could not escape from a sudden coming tea.
Manor always used to do a lot of evil in anger. It was even sad that he would have no shame on his bad actions. He screamed and said angry. Someone else came to the sky to put a sugar out of the sky. The father's behavior was very tense. He was the only son of Munawar who was the youngest among the three sisters. He raised his father Arifine, who was sitting there due to pain, his feet were burnt due to hot tea, while blood was coming out of his feet due to a bump of a pali. Kashish said in a hurry, looking at Manor. Abba can also be added later in Chinese tea. It said in such a loud voice that Arifya only heard it.
Manor was trying to burn cigarettes, but he was not taking the name of burning. He smoked the lighter of the litter, pressing the cigarette in the mirror. Kashi Arifine went to the kitchen and took the match. Seeing Shanti's shout coming to him, Kashash said to the father's father and said, "Take this. Actually, you do not seem to be our father in law. The matchbox was now in Manor's hand. His anger was over. He burned the cigarette and put the tissue, then he was shouting the image of the vehicle on the matchboard. So what i am Who am How are you Manor was depressed in deep thinking, telling Kashish. He did not see Arifine.
Kashi went out there. Manor raised a cigarette and a mockey dessert and stood upstairs. He put cigarette into his pocket, but went to the room at Machus's hand in his hand. It was the same matchboard, which she was happy to find, every match of the match was made like a treasure. He had enhanced the combination of her card. She cut the vacuum blanket They would have saved the image of their image. He and his sister-in-law used to play cards with these cards. Mary and her sister Mary, when she read the Koran and returned from a big B, then if they saw a blanket of missiles in the trousers, they would immediately pick up their clothes. Can break Munawar kept the Machiasse in the kitchen and went out.
Kashish was drinking tea sitting with his mother, he said to the officer. Aba needs a psychiatric doctor. Get angry in anger His mother smiled and said. Quiet, men are like that. Your father has thrown a bow, men would drink wine and gambling. Let wives stir and let children not breathe. Kashish said, "What are you doing now?" He had a hairstyle in the past week when he got hair in the year. He could not stand for the honeymoon.
Munawar had come to Makeri and took the laborer. Wanted to cook some pots on the roof. Because he lived in the town where he lived. People were planting birds and animals, who would benefit them. This place was not like that. The place was place and shops of cooked streets. Manawar heard Kashish that he would give him a hammer, but he was in the bathroom. Munawar's wife thought Agra would be angry with Manawar in late, she took herself with a hammer and climbed the stairs that were very good. Manor's wife was now old. She was getting late despite hurrying herself. The murmur ran away from anger. Kishan came out of the bathroom but looked unbelievably towards his mother who had climbed stairs. He had a lot of pain in his knees for a few days. Kashan looked at his mother. In anger, Manawar took three stairs and took a hammer from his wife.
Kashish looked at her in a hurry if she did not kill Hutri Ami. While Munawar's wife was also thought to be asleep, as Munawar sprinkled the hammer and was angry with him, the monk's wife's feet were slipped and she went down. Manor saw her falling. Kashish and Manawar took him to Hospal, but died because of the most bleeding. Kashan had a very angry anger on his father who sat in front of him. She was not able to understand what she was doing. There was no longer a mother who was able to take her nails and laughing at her grief.
Reading a book when he read this sentence.
Those who used to light in the night have left the lamp now. ........
So she started crying unaware, she loved her mother or her mother. How does he face every problem? How do these mothers be so precious? They closed the book and began crying unaware. Why did not their death defeat? I wish my mother does not die! His mouth was teared with tears. He was hesitant to hesitate. She kept quiet after crying very late. The Lord has comforted his heart as he does not speak to his father. If you ever face mistakes, then she will try to pass away quickly and again. Sometimes a person gets uncomfortable in front of the rats. There was no one to hurt him but his own father. He could not go against his own father. How did he go against the father whose blood was in his veins. How to fight for my mother with my father, who always supported him. He always taught his father's honor and dedication.
Some days had passed, Kashan was very silent. Now she too started angry with her father and started crying. Munawar came to Kashs's room where he was sleeping. Speaking on his head, he said. Kashi are you angry with me? Why do not you talk to me? Kashish was sitting and sitting. Manor said while continuing. Kashi What is my fault in the death of your mother? Why are you angry with me? I hit it a bit. Kashi started crying lips again. Manor said hugging her. Right. I do not understand anything angry, but I used to hit it a bit. The word was just two or four. Your mother spent long patience with me. I feel bad that his death can not be died with the dead.
Kashi said screaming. Yes, but your treatment can be done. Munawar looked at Kashish and said to the surprise. What is the treatment? Kashan said angry. There are also brain patients of their mind.
Manor said to the surprise. You say I'm crazy. Kashan said angry. I am saying that you are crazy, because of this madness I lost my mother. I'll leave this house if you do not cure me. Munawar saw Kashi with surprise and anxiety. She was her only son. 15 years old. Manor did not want to lose it. She said supporters. Well I'm ready to walk anywhere with you. I'll get my treatment too. But son is very hopeful of you, who will see this house after me? Take yourself out of shock. The life of man is a combination of many sorrow. If men sit and sit, then who should support the woman. How will the community go? Drink pain.
After taking the time in front of Dr. Farkharkar noble, he sat down with frustration. It was a compulsion to come here. Dr. Farkharkar heard all his history from his son Kashsh's mouth. There were some important events in them.
Be angry with a little kid by furiously. The child's arm broke.
Be angry and throw the brick from the roof.
Tea tea without sighting is seen.
Cut off the hair of the hair after the hair reaches out.
When weighing, weighing syrups and feeling of error.
Doing physical violence when working against the custom. Beating to kill. These kinds of incredible events and hatred on it. Do not be sad about what you do. Understanding each process better for others. Kashsh said on the last statement, there are some examples. Will you say it all normal? Munawar said in his assault. What is it in it? This is the right of the elder. The head of the family is not to come.
Dr. Farkharka sent Kashash out. They were now in touch with monkeys. Tell me More about yourself . Everything you know about your desires and your fears. Manor immediately said. I do not have any fear. I'm a little bit baby. Wishes are somewhere. Everything can be a little bit There were three meetings. The doctor Farkharkar had figured that Munawar tries to hide something. Which is related to her childhood. He said softly, so that means that you were afraid of your children, and think that it is permissible to do anything with your weakness. Is it the same? It's upset, he said in a loud voice, no, no. Nothing like that I never was afraid of anyone. I have never done anything wrong. Dr. Fakharkar of his sound and his humidity emerging in his voice Felt it He said very sympathetic. You can tell me everything you are. I am neither your relative to blow you nor you will get anything out of it. Rather, your heart's burden will be lightened. The mind will get out of that which is full of bitterness in your caste. People also tell us the suggestions made by their parents. Then that sadness disappears for her life. Manor got upset in trouble and panic. I want to go . Dr. Farkharkar did not understand it properly. They also describe what they have done. Then that sadness disappears for her life. Manor got upset in trouble and panic. I want to go . Dr. Farkharkar did not understand it properly. They also describe what they have done. Then that sadness disappears for her life. Manor got upset in trouble and panic. I want to go . Dr. Farkharkar did not understand it properly.
Munawar said to Kashish. You do not think you both are spoiling my money and time. Well, that lady can tell me about me. Talks out of carelessness and cruelty. Those who do not have any purpose. Look in the last meeting she told me. What if I want to be a child again? How fun Someone can become a baby again. They make anyone crazy for making money. The bread is their bread. What to do
After listening to all the things of his father, Kashish said no matter, they still walk. Dr Farkharka has sent Kashshan out of the usual form. Looking at Manor's side. So Manor sir, where were we? You remember your baby was talking about no. Manor is over. Why would not you say I am normal? Tell me the money you want. I can understand . Why do not you leave me Dr. Farkharka said smiling. You do not leave the veil. If you tell me your problem, the distinction inside you will get out. Hope you do not have any secrets. We will be in whatever we are. Manawar raised the paperweight on the anger table and was going to hit the table, Dr. Farkhark said. If the table is broken then the price of the table is given to you. Use this stone after thinking it Will you You can easily break the table. Everything has a price.
He stirred the monkey, then he asked Dr. Farkharki whether I could drink cigarettes. Dr. Farkharkar gave him thanks, but he did not have anything to burn as soon as he got the cigarette dump. When Dr. Farkharka asked to bring the bell to the match, he got out of his pocket and gave him to Manchester Munawar. Manor took a squeeze and started crying. The doctor indicated the departure of the person. Manor started to hit the cartoon on Machus. He took him to his baby. When Dr. Farkharkan asked him what he was looking for, he said on an irrelevant black, himself.
Dr. Farkharkh rose up from the front and came to him. He was also looking at the cartoon made on the match. The doctor said in Nazareth. Hiding the heart on your heart increases the heart you think. You can tell me everything you have not told anyone till today. I am not your relative to make fun of you. Neither you will face any shame in front of me. It is possible that we do not meet life again after this meeting. We do not have to meet.
Repeat your point. Let me know you When you felt the feelings of mercy and love decreased within you. Why are you upset? Since your anger is inside you. Tell me not to myself. Manor Sahib is very important to talk to himself. I want to meet you. Munawar closed the match box in the fist. She started crying like a small child. Dr. Farkharki once again gave water to the monastery. Let me know you What happened last? Why do you think there are scary kids? The big ones can be scared too.
Munawar said to his sisters. It's easy to scare children.Because every weak is easy to scare. Since you are strong, all the anger can be removed. Dr. Farkharkar said carefully, who has told you this. Your parents or older sisters, brothers. Manor said while handling himself. No one I want to go from here. Dr. Farkharkar told Munawar a pencil and paper. Okay you go But I want you to make some pictures for me. At least one can make it.
Manor took a paper with a bracelet and started running the pencil. Seeing she saw cartoon on paper, Derek asked him. Manor sir what you made He said in lost lost style. Card. Dr. Farkharkan said while looking at the paper. You like to play cards. Manor said to me without hesitation. I liked playing cards in childbearing. For this I would have collected the vacant vacancies. Even if he got a drink from the school coming from school, he would pick up. Dr. Farkharkar said quickly. You have so many cards. Manor said to the officer. I wish I could never collect match boxes.
Dr. Farkhark asked in a scratched manner. It's not a wrong thing. I was young then I was curious to collect small beautiful stones. I used to pick up from the way. Munawar said, but stones do not move in their pocket. Dr. Farkharkar to Fortune. Which match is in everyone's pocket. Manor's tears came in tears. He said while speaking on his lips.Once when I raised the match, I was just nine years old, who had been on the road. So a man told me to get angry, give my wallet. Dr. Farkharkar was quietly looking forward to the face of Manor, who was feeling scared like a nine-year-old baby despite being twenty-five years old. Munawar loaded a mango, I closed the matchbox in my hand and said this aspect to a typical guy. I have no press. He smiled on my mouth a tremendous assault Said One steals another lie lies. Give two dirty nasty bangles too. I opened the fist as soon as I got it. Some people gathered together, and said, "My father, I have cut my pocket, because if I have a hand in my hand, then the wallet will be with me." I said crying. I'm not a thief. But that man was getting mad at anger.
He took my shirt to search for me. I felt that someone has made me naked in front of everyone. I can not tell how I was feeling. None of the standing there moved forward to help a nine-year-old boy. This aspect kills me in the back, let me tell Shahid what he hid in his purse. But what I did not have. Where does it give
It was quiet in the room for a long time. Dr. Farkhark said to the officer. You did not tell anyone Manor said to the officer. My sister, my brother joke me. What would anyone tell me that the courtesy of the Machus took me and became a thief. I never told anyone. I have never been able to do anything before this day and again. Dr. Farkharkar said sometime after the Tamil. The same incident has changed your personality. You did not tell anyone to always give a wound to her. Now that was unhappy. If you still did not come to me, then why would not your person go sick after going to bed for more than two years? I wish we could imagine how influential our actions affect others. But this man did not think of how a nine-year-old innocent child would be affected by his behavior, nor did you now Do care How disturbed people around you around your behavior. Do you want another monkey to collect your inner intake that you take away from her behavior in her existence?
You should keep your grief in your heart and keep others grieved. Munawar Sahib, who is under his control, is giving it to others. We do not even know ourselves. What you think of this man was very cruel. He disgrace you in front of everyone. Manor shake head, yes I replied. You are doing the same. You can not take revenge from it, you too are targeting people who can not take revenge from you. If you forgot it then your life would be pleasant.
We give the same thing to others that we have. The angry person will give anger to others. The result of a misunderstandings happened to you. Because of this you have ruined your life. Do not you understand that you become oppressed and oppressed? Such wrongdoers oppress themselves and understand themselves as oppressors. Not only you, many of us are just because of mental stress that they either do not even tell or tell them anything.
Munawar cleaned his wet face out of the tissue box by Dr. Farkharkar cleaned out the tissue. It felt as if the inside of it was broken. Everyone has taken all the intention. She was feeling strange. It was not estimated that the odor was kept in control. While odor is not home, the house where the Lord's place is located. He felt delighted in his heart and looked at Dr. Farkhard's eyes full of thanks. He said to you. You were right You met me
Manor never met Dr. Farkharkar after that meeting. His personality was completely changed. A matchboard was burning fire in her emotional life. He himself did not know that. Some people become the reason for extending themselves to you. Even the doctor knows himself due to the doctor. He now tries to consume every one of his friends and, for example, respect for every human being is very important .However he is a child, is a woman or a man. Do not leave the spirit of relaxation and love while talking to other humans. But it is very important to meet someone. Keep tuning your caste. Whenever odd. Clear it that Ashraf does not have to mess out dirty mess.
Every clay was unique in its own,
every flower was made of fragrant perfume,
saw it coming, no one
who was impossible to know and who was perfect
The one whose cry was crying that the wrongdoer
was involved in me in the form of cruelty
Kashish's son came and ran away from Munawar. It was about to be two. Manor picked him up with love so he began to stumble and up and up. Munawar sprinkled it in the air, he started laughing openly. From his mouth, he went to the mouth of the Mannwar. The mouth of monotheism was also open. He felt dirty, but he smiled. He laughed the baby down and loved the boy. The truth is not where the dirt is collected, there is no odor. The biggest issue of our people is that they are accustomed to living with dirt so that they do not know the bad odor and fragrance. Many are happy to find those who live in time to meet themselves. Otherwise, often die while acknowledging in the last breaths that it would have been better that we do not live a life that we live and insultly say that time can return. Who can never return Yourself