Be an Ant!

in #life6 years ago


I have been on steemit for over two months now and I still earn 0.04 on my posts. I do not know what else to do. I think steemit is just a circle of stingy whales upvoting themselves. I give up!

My advice, Be an Ant!

I am done with school. It has been five years and nothing to show for it. My mates have all left me, I think I am cursed or something. How come nothing I do work out? No idea comes to mind. All my friends who have jobs are those who have connections. I know no one and that is why I am unemployed.

My advice, Be an Ant!

No one has ever had an A in that course. The lecturer is so wicked, people barely make it out with a pass. I just hope I get to pass even if it is with a D.

My advice, Be an Ant!

My parents are not rich. I cannot afford all those things my friends are buying. I was not born with a silver spoon and that is why life is so hard for me.

My advice, Be an Ant!

My salary is so small. It barely lasts up to the third week of the month. Every last week is always hard for me because I have to struggle until my next pay.

My advice, Be an Ant!

Does any of the above sound familiar? If it does, then you really need to pay attention to the advice that follows.
Why an ant you might wonder? Ants are such amazing creatures, that’s why. Wondering what is so special about an ant? Here are some amazing qualities ants possess.

They are always up and doing.

Have you ever observed an ant? It is always on the move. It does not make idle movement. There is always a destination in mind. It moves around with a purpose and is either in search of something or carrying something.
This is one attribute we could adopt. Rather than just sitting idle all day making up excuses as to why you are still at the point you are. You could get yourself busy. Find something to do, whatever it is. It sure will be more profitable than just staying idle.
Instead of complaining about not getting upvotes, find out what others are doing that they are getting upvotes. I know of no one who just joined Steemit and suddenly started making it without putting it some time and energy. All these successful people around here all have a story to tell and your hating on them or just dropping posts and running off won’t get you to that level.

They do not give up

Think about how tiny an ant is. With the exception of microbes, they are probably the smallest in the animal kingdom. This makes them prey to almost every other living being. The implication of this is that, immediately an ant steps out of its abode, death is inevitable. It could be crushed by an idle human who just does not just like its presence around. It could be blown by the wind to some other item that will crush it to death. It could be eaten by a spider, a lizard or other ant consumers. It could walk into a room that has just been spayed with insecticide and end up dying.
But does that stop it from coming out? No, it doesn’t. It still steps out because it has to get provisions for members of its family. Food and shelter is not going to appear from nowhere or be handed down by the government. There is no rich uncle-ant that is going to bring food during the raining season. The ant knows this and that is why despite what might come its way, it steps out.
Allowing situations around you stop you from reaching a particular goal come off as flimsy excuses and should be avoided at all means. You can get an A in that course, you can get that dream job and a silver spoon does not count when planning your future.

They are good planners

Ants recognize that there is a time for gathering, and after that time comes winter. It is almost fruitless going out in search of food and shelter when it is already winter. Hence they make plans all year round.
Planning your life just like the ant helps you avoid and handle properly, difficulties that might arrive later on in life. Just like the ant, if we make proper plans for our future, recognizing that we have to lay all our golden eggs in our golden age, our future will be so much brighter. It would help you avoid situations such as being broke all the time, being unemployed or spending all your life being a dependant.

Ants are organized

Have you ever watched an ant trail. They all walk in a single file and they even do it in a friendly manner, saying hi to each other as they pass one another (I think). The point is, they set a goal and all organize themselves to carry it out. They hold meetings and pick out a time they would all match out together for the day’s activities. They let nothing deter them. Even when obstacles come up, they try as much as possible to work things out so that at the end of the day their goal is met.
How about an ant hill? Such massive construction when compared to the size of the builders. These are animals whose brains are not as developed as ours. If they could achieve this much, how much more you and I.
We could learn from this by setting out short and long term goals and ensure we achieve these goals. Efforts such as these are what leads you to achieving success in life.

In conclusion, you could help yourself out by taking a daily or weekly review of your life, counting your successes and failures and on those days you are faced with tasks that seem impossible… Ask yourself, what would an ant do in this situation?
I hope with these few points of mine, I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that acting like an ant can help you make Progress in life.. 😎😎


Yes, you did. Ants are wise. They save for now what they will eat later. I have to work hard and save for my tomorrow. Thanks dear

There's so much wisdom to be learnt from the ant indeed. Never saw it this way.

Glad I could show you this way

Nice post @fejiro it worth the time