
"herd im·mu·ni·ty
the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.
"the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent""

I'm going to assume quite a few people get them.

It doesn't seem to happen anywhere unless WHO or Gates goes in to spread it. Don't forget who owns the patent to the Zika virus. Easily found out but often overlooked.

the problem here is capitalism. Vaccines that could save millions are instead sold at a profit to first world countries. There is nothing wrong with the vaccine itself.

If you like your fetal cells and formaldehyde, you can keep them.

Vaccines are given away in the third world. The people do not pay for them. The governments pay for them through the World Bank which then holds the country prisoner. Definitely a racket but I do not know if capitalism is the culprit. I think it's more along the line of the de-population agenda.

"Vaccines are given away in the third world."

Millions die from lack of them in the third world

"If you like your fetal cells and formaldehyde, you can keep them"
Formaldehyde is produced naturally in the human body.

You need it to live

So yeah, i would rather have some than not

Enjoy your toxins! You make your govt proud.

also there are outbreaks in third world countries all the time

No there are not. You are being fooled. Turn off the tv.

The only recent one in this region was 2016 in Northern Myanmar. This isolated area was targeted by the Gates crew for measles shots. After the shots, many got ill and over 50 kids died. No measles had ever been in that region before. That program was suspended.

"a viral respiratory infection, killed over 500,000 children in 2003, more than any other vaccine-preventable disease. The measles death toll in Africa is so high – every minute one child dies"

so uhhhh, stop being stupid.

Africa is a place where the illnesses follow the shots. Multiple countries no longer allow them when coming from the west. Other countries have to take them due to their World Bank loans.