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in #life6 years ago

Look at the pdf reports of the US Federal Vaccine Court for death stats. My wifi is bad right now or I would get it for you. This court was set up in the 80's when the others courts got too crowded with all the lawsuits for the many new vaccines. The court reports their stats to congress and you find them at their site. They pay out $1 billion each year for vaccine injury and death of all types.

This year, in my fb groups for chronic disease, I'm seeing a lot of posts about shoulder and upper body paralysis from this year's flu shot batch. Much more than in prior years. This is one of the categories of injury the court pays out for.

If flu is a contributing factor in death, it will be listed on the death cert. Most us jurisdictions list up to 5 causes of death on their certs. Nothing about the cdc makes sense unless you are following the money. I wonder why no one dies in other countries from these annual flus, but Americans are known to be a weak herd. This is why they need 70+ childhood vaccines on the us schedule and very few other countries have more than 20.

I follow obesity as a cause of death. This cause is attributed to somewhere between 400K-800K us deaths per year. The flu deaths you quote seem high to me (can't look now) but they are still a drop in the bucket.

Another good thing to read is the US Agenda 2030 report and especially its predictictions about us de-population. It seems the country is well on its way right now.


Not sure what you mean about flu deaths not occurring in other countries. There are 250,000 to 500,000 (even higher by more recent estimates) deaths each year worldwide from the flu. Most of those are not in the U.S. (

I think I found the report you are talking about ( It indicates that there were less than 3,000 claims (not all of which were compensated) in a decade. That's less than 300 per year and much lower than the annual death rate from the flu in the U.S. The grand total for claims for ALL vaccines was around 5,500 over a decade. Given that there were more than 3.1 billion doses (of all vaccines) given over that timespan, that's an incredibly low number. Those numbers were from 2006-2016. That's also for all claims, not just deaths and I suspect that most are not deaths (though I didn't see that kind of breakdown in the report at a glance).

"Depopulation" in the U.S. (not that population is actually declining at this time but growth is slowing) has much more to do with lower birth rates than anything else. On average, people live much longer today than they did 100 years ago.

Vaccines are not 100% safe. Nothing is. Things designed for safety can kill you (airbags for instance). But on average, they reduce death and injury not increase it. I think the numbers bear that out about as conclusively as they can. Arguing against vaccination is a bit like arguing against the use of seatbelts. It's true that both CAN kill you but it's much more likely that not using them will.

I agree that obesity is a massive problem, largely due to our relatively poor diet. No doubt that also contributes to other diseases like cancer too.

You have the wrong report. The annual reports are found at the US Federal Vaccine Court site. The report you have is in contrast to that of the court itself and is another reason to distrust all this govt nonsense.

If you like your vaccines, you can keep your vaccines and have more. There is big money in the carnage they cause and so you get them for free. Just realize that you are the human trial. And children in the us are the real trial as more are added each year.

The us population native born population is declining now. Check the death stats for the top 20 chronic diseases and all are increasing dramatically. Birth rates are tanking. Fertility is tanking.

Most people will not see this before it is too late, if it is not already. Why do you think all the immigration is needed? The UN report I referred to above says it is required and needs to increase fast.

Fertility isn't tanking for some sinister reason, people are choosing to have less children and have been for some time. It's unsurprising that birth control reduces fertility. However, according to current U.N. data, 50% more people are born in North America each year than die (

I still can't find the report you are talking about. I provided my link, where's yours? Wikipedia indicates numbers similar to what I already provided. I also found the web page for "U.S. Court of Federal Claims Opinions" where you could search on vaccine related cases. Searched over a one year period (I picked 2014 at random) and found approximately 500 cases which is in line with the numbers I already provided.

I also found this link ( that indicates that there have only been a total of approximately 16,000 petitions to the vaccine court for the entirety of its existence (since 1988).

"Since its first case in 1988, the vaccine court has adjudicated more than 16,000 petitions and dismissed two-thirds of them. "

That's, on average, about 400 cases a year (probably a little more because data for the last year or two is not complete). But again, that's in line with all the other numbers I found from all the sources I've been able to find. Federal court, CDC, science magazine, wikipedia. So far, you've only alluded to a report that doesn't seem to exist.

Again, not saying that vaccines can't do harm but simple math will tell you that they are more likely to prevent injury and death than to cause it. Just like seatbelts.

So far, the only evidence you have provided that the above isn't true is an unnamed facebook group and a claim that a report exists somewhere. Why should any reasonable person believe that over all of the evidence above? This isn't about "loving" vaccines, it's abound making educated decisions based on the best available evidence.

Just keep taking your shots and and commenting on old posts and I'm sure it will work well for you. Check back for stats each year and see if you still have such rosy beliefs.

If you want to look into fb groups, search for "vaccine." The stories in there are gut wrenching and might give you a new perspective.

"educated decisions based on the best available evidence." <<< Your overlords are providing this to you. Enjoy!

I used largely the same sources you CLAIMED you were using but never actually provided. Vaccine court, UN, etc. Thus far you have made dangerous claims with absolutely 0 evidence. All I have asked is for you to provide your evidence and you have consistently refused or been unable to do so. People can read this conversation and make their own judgements.

I suppose you can argue that the CDC is participating in a vast conspiracy to deceive people about vaccines but the number of vaccine related petitions in Federal court is a little harder to hide and this was the basis of your whole claim. The number is ~16,000 in 30 years. A little over 500 claims a year (and I doubt every single claim is fact 2/3 were rejected by the court). Still waiting for you to provide a link or some other evidence that a report exists that says otherwise.

I have no doubt I can find gut wrenching stories on facebook somewhere. That doesn't change the statistics. Actual cases of vaccine injury are tragic but extremely rare. You know what there are more tragic stories from? Death and injury from vaccine preventable diseases.

You have your opinion and govt tales, I have the stories of people I know and "hidden" stats you don't care about anyway. Somehow the human race survived before all these shots, but by all means, be sure to get as many as you can. I'm sure if you visit your doctor's office there are some you have missed, so be sure to catch up.

"Hidden" stats. Are you being serious? Why not bring those stats into the light? Still waiting for your evidence. Good thing I'm not holding my breath. You yourself claimed data from the vaccine court proved your point so not only were you relying on 'government tales' but on ones that don't even exist. "Look at the pdf reports of the US Federal Vaccine Court for death stats" you said. Is your wi-fi any better yet?

Somehow the human race survived before electricity, running water, sanitation, etc. too. Doesn't mean we should go back to that. It isn't rational to base judgements on made up information and anecdotal stories over hard numbers. You still have provided 0 information that would indicate anything you are saying is not a complete fiction.

Where is that report you claim exists? Still waiting...

Since you prefer anecdotes as evidence, here's a few of those:

...and these are just from the flu.

I wonder if these people followed advice from people like you?

Why is it so important for you to argue with me? Just get your shots and be happy. Hopefully you are right and will live a long and healthy life.

No i barely have wifi and will stop answering now.