The Forest's Divine Pine Tree~Pt3~Surprise Eye Attack!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello! If you haven't seen part 1 and/or part 2, viewing the pictures might help get the gist for this post! ^

For this post you're going to have to use some imagination to understand and recreate this story of what and how this happened. Lets start off imagining climbing up the tree branch below.

Moments before getting accidentally(?) sucker punched in the eye by this tree...^

Now, before getting to that relaxed spot for the picture; on the way there, where the 3 big branches that are visible at the very bottom of the picture, I saw what looked like a dead branch... 

Feeling totally safe while standing on those 3 bigger branches, I figured I'd break it! As I find it to be quite a fun game to break dead branches while climbing!

Since I was in an easy position, standing up, I figured this would break without a problem, especially if I step on it with all my weight... I bent it all the way in half, over 180 degrees and kept pushing and pushing until finally giving up...

Unconsciously planned, right after I took my foot off the branch and stood up, it flung with so much force! Straight towards my eyeball, smacking it so hard, though luckily not penetratingly!

One of my biggest "worries" while climbing trees had always been about damaging my eyes, especially with injection... and I've gotten all sorts of debris in my eyes, but never anything like this! I thought for sure some kind of irritation or swelling was like going to happen... however after a couple minutes it didn't even hurt anymore!

I figured, WOW! My eyes have some tough conditioning from all the shit they've been through! Nothing happened from that crazy powerful stick flinging directly into my eye!

Definitely spoke too soon!

After 3 days of believing I was totally fine, I woke up the next day with my eye pretty much entirely blood red!

It became hyper sensitive fast, and my family started worrying as no one was sure what was going on, and especially since no one could relate with that stick flinging into my eye...

I felt like it was nothing to worry about and it would heal and be fine in some days, as I seemed usually assume injuries worked whenever I got hurt.. xD

It would've really sucked if it was an infection though, so, "as always", better safe than sorry!

My mom got me a doctors appointment, and we went to see what he had to say...

According to his analysis and examination, I had irritation in my eye, nothing new there... then he goes to tell me that the cornea is like glass and can get scratched easily and permanently damaged... 

However, I had to disagree, as my vision has always been and still is really good, no matter how many times I may have scraped my eyes... especially in trees while climbing!

Then the doctor in attempts to try and add more fear, he tells me he thinks my eye is in risk of getting infected, and again I had to disagree... 

As I've had all sorts of debris go inside of my eye, especially tree and plant matter! Even relatively large pieces of debris retaining in my eye(s) for weeks!! Before finally coming out!

Only ONE time did it actually get infected... but I happened to arrive at the @gardenofeden when it began!  They taught me that a mothers breast milk is THE BEST medicine for this. Now after that experience I can say that it literally healed the infection instantly! 

In Santiago, Chile I was climbing a corktree which was covered in smog pollution, and somehow when I turned around a branch broke and exploded into my eye, and even that didn't do anything except for make me tear up for a short while!

The doctor insisted I needed to take antibiotics as well as trying to scare me into wanting to take them... My mom and I knew I wasn't going to do that though, and we both thought that was crazily over exaggerated anyways!

So we went home, and I put sunglasses on as my medicine/protection, with some occasional super medicinal healing drops of top quality colloidal silver and gold I got at the @gardenofeden

Of course I never stopped climbing or playing any of those days healing! Hehe xD

Within less than a week my eye was back to normal and better! ;)



I hope you loved this as much as we did and follow us for more epic adventures and healing!!



Thank you and STEEMON!!



men tienes que tener cuidado con eso, en verdad que si tienes mala suerte para que una rama siempre te golpee el ojo jajajaja ojo con eso (termino venezolano) jajajaja

Siii es uno de mis cuidados mas grandes xD ESPECIALMENTE despues de esta pelotudes! Jajajaja (termino argentino) xd
Osea, siempre es por accidente y nunca nada serio, es medio normal y esperado que pedacitos de cosas caigan en los ojos y eso no es nada malo...

Fue totalmente inesperado jajaja le habia puesto TODO mi peso encima tratando de romper la rama que parecia y se sentia muerta y seca... la puse de vertical, hasta estar 180+ grados al reves cuando me di cuenta que no se iba romper porque resulto estar totalmente viva... y cuando me pare, POW! Super golpe justo al ojo! xD

jajajajaja la rama se molesto y busco venganza jajajaja y pumm tome su coñazo jajajaja LA VENGANZA DE LA RAMA jajajaja ud si que tiene accidentes de esos xd

Literalmente así se siente!!
El árbol esta BIEN VIVO y CONSCIENTE! :P Jajajaja
Siempre que trepo siento su energía! <3 Y trato de conectarme lo mas posible!

Es mas difícil conectarse a la naturaleza cuando hay otras personas en el area, eso si... aunque cada vez mejorando! Jajaja por ahora todas las peores cosas pasan porque me distraigo a mi mismo con las energías de las otras personas jaja, pero siempre aprendiendo controlar eso también! :D

Siento la misma conexión mientras trepo cascadas también! <3
Es como sentirte parte del árbol entero! Y de la cascada, el rio, la montaña enteros todos como uno! Es increíble la sensación! <3

ese es el método natural que se usa en el parkour ser uno con la naturaleza , es muy genial ese tipo de conexión y aun mas sentarse y disfrutar de ella viendo mas allá de lo común

EW! When was this?

This was after Mexico, shortly after this coco harvest x)

The same day I climbed with my friend that took the pictures for the first pine series post! Haha, except it didn't turn red or feel hurt AT ALL... until the 4th day after that..! o:

I climbed the pine again with Ivan after this healed haha.