Others, including their Children, had to Live in the World as they had Left It. . . .

in #life6 years ago

As the camera crew took us in their craft, high above these immense lands, we can see billions of square miles of gloriously green forests, high mountain ranges, glittering rivers and creeks waving their way to great lakes or to the ocean. We could see here and there the cities, the smaller towns, areas of agriculture with ripening crops of grain, vineyards, and orchards, the whole scene in some respects similar to what we are today.

Accustomed to observing, as we fly across our continents, the architecture varied from land to land, as well as age to age, as our cameras span tens of thousands of years.

Land masses are changing in contour, some have disappeared entirely, while new lands have risen in other areas. Terrible cataclysmic events have brought evidence of dramatic changes in the climatic conditions. Some areas that for thousands of years enjoyed from temperate to tropical conditions, while others that were previously frozen, had changed and were now covered in lush green vegetation.

In past civilizations (as today) there were those who were concerned more with the present, with self, and with those accomplishments that would give them power and domination over others.

There were also those people who were considerate and concerned about the welfare of others and whose aims were to leave the world a little better than it was then they came into it. Others, including their children, had to live in the world as they had left it.

Among these people were Seers and Prophets, who could foresee what was to come and who consequently took steps to provide for generations to follow after the cataclysmic events which they knew must come.

Today, at our present level of understanding, we surely must accept the fact that the innumerable and complex designs, forms, bodies, including that of man himself, that we have come to know as life on this physical level, would not and could not have originated and progressed on this, or any other planet, to its present stage unless it was an intentionally planned and supervised undertaking.

The planet itself had to be created from primordial substance and for thousands of millions of years would have undergone the preparation process to enable it to carry out the duties for which it had been created. Such a task would necessarily be the product of thought and planning on a scale incomprehensible to us. It would require the services of a great number of Entities of superior intelligence and capability, to carry out the duties associated with the separations, and later following through eons of time with the reseeding, planting, nurturing, and tuition.

If for some reason we cannot as yet accept this concept, then let us ask ourselves these simple questions. Would we in our back yard, mark out a garden plot, then leave it without any preparation, seeding, watering, or nurturing etc., and expect in a few months to find a beautiful, well nourished, and healthy crop of vegetables, strawberries or whatever we may have in mind?

Would we build a school, and expect little children to attend, do exactly as they wished with no supervision of any kind, without the aid of older children or of teachers, to finally graduate to high school standard?

If our answers to these questions would be no; that we would not expect the final rewarding results without having carried out our duties, then surely we would not expect the procedures to be any different on a much greater and more responsible level in the eternal cosmic school, in which we are all students.

Many of these early cosmic teachers, builders, scientists and others, who came and stayed on perhaps for millions of years at a time were regarded as “Gods”, by the indigenous inhabitants, because of their incredible knowledge and capabilities, which surpassed that of the greatest among Earth men, who were their pupils in the small new world in which dreams and plans of the great galactic architects and planners were slowly taking on reality.

The “weeds” had to be plucked out of the garden at times, just as any outbreak of moral or spiritual disease had to be terminated before it had a chance to spread and do irreparable damage. The wise ones having been given pre-knowledge of impending disasters, also had the responsibility of providing sanctuaries, of places of safety, for the preservation of those “fruits”, as were yet uncontaminated by greed, war, depravity and selfishness that they may become the seeds of a later, and hopefully better race.


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