Life, Hitchhiking and Another Grand Adventure

in #life6 years ago


I can feel the anxiety rise as I prep my gear for another adventure. The air's getting cooler and I have to wonder about my judgment. Once again, I'm heading out "after" summer to wander. And I'm almost 50!

I've taken nearly a year off from travel (read 'travel' as bumming around) to learn. After months of sticking my nose into places I never even knew were there I'm ready to wander the earth.

What did I learn?

Well, I'm somewhat of a geek/nerd/whatever you wanna call it, and have been spending my time learning coding and computer programming/science, and other techy stuff. I still suck at it, but I'm also still learning. I can now develop a website or app front end without the use of a visual editor. Pretty cool huh!

Here's some of the things I did for an online course called Free Code Camp:

I also spent a while learning about cryptocurrencies, trading and the blockchain with fascination. Maybe one day I'll have my own coin and change the world.

But the internet can only hold my attention for so long.

It actually makes things worse. I can now research where I want to go and that usually ends up with hours of articles and videos filling my already brutalized brain with bucket lists. The struggle is real.

I am one of those blessed with the burning desire to travel.

It doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter how. I just like seeing tomorrow someplace else.

This Adventure Will Be A Little Different For Me

There's no specific plan. I have to get to Oregon to get the gear I had to ditch last year (see ) so I'm going to hitch out there. I'm not sure which direction I'll be going from there. Washington is certainly an option, but so is California, Nevada and who knows... Maybe Hawaii.

This time's a little different as I'll be hitching with a woman who's never done anything like this before. I talked of my wondrous adventures, but also told her of the hardships and she still wants to give it a go. So hey, if you happen to see two old folk on the side of the road - and one of them's me - feel free to give us a ride.

Anyway, I've been gathering what gear I have here and the pickings are slim.

When not sleeping under the stars, we'll be using a tarp as our shelter for most of the trip. I already have a great tent in Oregon so I don't see the need for spending the extra money. If we get into colder temperatures we can pick up a cheap or used one.

I've been playing around with the tarp to show my friend how to set things up and what life looks like from under a thin fabric roof. Once the tarp was set up she laid down and dozed off as I was explaining wind directions and line tension, so I'm guessing she liked it.


And a second attempt...


The route hasn't been planned, but it probably won't be until the time comes to leave. Life with options can be frustrating, but when you're carrying your world on your back you certainly want to choose the best options when it comes to getting there.

We can go North, South or straight West and be there in a few days, or we can meander (as I often do) and it could take a while. I kind of need to get there, so I'll probably split it.

Once again I can't decide on which stove to bring. There's a lot of places where camp fires are banned and we're going to need a stove. I typically use an alcohol stove, but with two people that's a lot of water to boil. Maybe 2 stoves?

I have several options, but can't find the little pocket rocket stove I started with.

Maybe I'll bring this behemoth....


It's an old MSR stove that I used when I was trucking. Heavy, but reliable and multi fuel so I get "more" options.

How does one pack for two?

Now there's a question I've never pondered.

I do remember when I first started this life of luxury three years ago that I had way too much gear though. Not a mistake I ever want to make again. On the flip side, I don't like not having something as simple as a frying pan for bacon and eggs.

LOL... isn't life complicated.

What I am bringing

Besides the tarp, I'll be bringing the bare bones of travel and living.

Clothing is an option and I chose to wear some (I'm not nearly as pretty naked as I used to be) but not much.


2 pairs of shorts and a couple t-shirts that are light and fast drying.
Socks (I think I'm down to 4.5 pair after the last laundry so I'll just take them all.)
Undies???? Maybe.
Long sleeved shirt
Long undies!!! (to wear under the shorts on chilly nights)

Of course I'll pack my North Face jacket. It's on the heavy side, but the shell is wind/water proof and the liner is just downright warm. Plus, it's been with me since day one and hasn't let me down.

I've also packed a hammock for sleeping/lounging when in a camp for several days. Hey, even bums need to take a break now and then.


The last time I used this hammock was on a bicycle trip in Tennessee and a bird kept trying to set up its nest inside the hammock. Eventually, the bird gave up but as I was laying in the hammock it sat eyeballing me from the bike bars. Rather intimidating little bugger.


I'll be bringing my sleeping bag of course, but I'm also considering a liner for this trip. The liner pulls double duty as a lightweight sleeping cover (that'll keep insects away) and also adds +25 degrees to the sleeping bag.

I don't think I'll ever need a +ANYTHING added to that bag, as I already roast in it most of the time, but it'll be nice to keep the bugs off me for once.

So there's the shelter, kitchen (once I decide) and sleeping quarters, as well as apparel to keep me from getting arrested for indecent exposure, let's look at the food!

Gourmet Goin's On Here!...


Ramen noodles and oatmeal are the main staples that'll be carried. Maybe I'll throw in some rice too. Food in camp will be anyone's guess. But I'm guessing it'll be pretty damn good since we both enjoy eating.

The menu plan is get as we go. Why carry a bunch of food when you can buy groceries in the next town and bring them to your campsite. right? At least that's my thinking.

Nothing fancy on the feet either!...


I've spent the past months barefoot. When I do have to put something on my feet I walk funny. I'm going to stay barefoot as a winter revoke for as long as possible. However, I picked these sneakers up to prospect gold and they're still going, so they'll be going with -- carrying me actually -- until they can't anymore.

My old ass flip flops are still in Oregon and the reunion will be sweet.

And that's about it.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get edumacated while on the move, but I'll figure something out.

My mind's already gone --- OUT THERE --- the body just needs to follow, and trying to focus on anything gives me a headache. At night my thoughts are filled with camp fires and new places and I rest peacefully knowing that in a few days I'll be going anywhere for no apparent reason with one goal in mind -- where to go next.

Life get's real simple when you get it down to this level.


Sweet! Good luck on your upcoming adventure!