Are you the reason behind you being poor ? Or is it societies fault?

in #life4 years ago


Unless you were born in a third world country, most of us in established nations have a close to equal opportunity to succeed or fail, all thing being equal. Though there are some of us born into wealth or have parents who have an established foothold in industry, that in turn makes it easier for us to secure a job in a related field. These are not the people I will be referring to in this article.

Though higher levels of acuity may help people to power above their peers, acuity alone will not guarantee your success in the corporate world. There are many driving factors such as emotional intelligence, social awareness and facial asymmetry that will reign supreme, above that 4.0 GPA.

Nevertheless, this begs the question " Are you the reason behind you being poor ? Or is it societies fault?". Being attracted to a pretty face and wanting to work with other people who are relatable to you in a physical sense, is not a new concept. Many people believe that being surrounded by people of equal beauty, in turn makes for a safer and more productive work environment.


Evidently, the entity of this can be viewed in many professional and sales type settings. When viewing employees at major accounting and legal firms across the nation, employees on average are usually no more than 3 standard deviation apart from each other. Therefore, you would rarely see a 25 year that was an 8 on the lookism scale working in tandem with another 25 year old that was a 4.


Though their have been some pushback on hiring practice such as these, operating out of the confines of such framework, to accommodate political correctness, never works favorably for the person who is trying to pressure the status-quo. So what is the end result you may ask? Well a lot of these people who meet the academic requirements, but lack the social requirements referred to earlier in this article, end up in low tier positions or out of the professional job market all together.


Though a rare few may be able to break the mold per se, doing so is only an exception, not the rule. How often have you seen a beautiful homeless person? It is very rare, because no matter how inept the person may be, society will always have a place from them. Which is totally counter to their ugly counterpart.

So in summation, it is clearly evident that equality - at least from an employment standpoint, is not an attainable goal. The social mechanics that are set forth in elementary and middle school, do not evaporate once you turn a certain age, they follow you to your grave. My only suggestion would be, if you are lacking in the looks department, is to start your own business, one with an established product or service that doesn't take a lot of your time in the public eye, to do a sales job.

Otherwise, you will be spending a heck of a lot more time proving that you are competent and capable, than your better looking counterpart would be.
