Sign of wasting times...

in #life7 years ago


  • Surfing porn websites repeatedly : Sex  is a natural instinct. Moreover, it is an important aspect of any  relationship. But if you access porn websites at every hour and download  porn videos continuously, it clearly indicates that you are wasting  your time and simultaneously your life.

  • Check notifications in social websites at every 10–20 minutes : If  you check notifications on facebook, twitter, do texting in whats-app,  comment and message in quora at every 10–20 minutes, it means that you  are becoming addicted to social websites. Addiction always brings  sufferings in our life.

  • Play Pokémon GO or Clash Royale or Clash of Clans at every hour : If you play pokemon go, clash royale and clash of clans at every hour in  your smartphone, you are wasting your valuable time. The games have  been made such a way that if you play once, you would like to play  twice, thrice and more. Within few days, you will be game addicted. You  will find difficulties to get rid of this bad habit. 

  • Chasing opposite or same sex randomly : Dating  is not a bad thing. It helps to develop a close relationship. As a  human being, we always try to find a better partner for us. But if you  chase opposite sex/same sex by social and dating site frequently instead  of finding your passion or important works, you are wasting your life.  Moreover, If students emphasize too much to impress opposite or same sex  in real life instead of studying or planning about life, it always  hampers their disciplined life as well as productivity.

  • Ignore the importance of study: If  you don't study at all and think like that way “Every university drop  out will be another Steve jobs” Then life will be really difficult for  you within few years.

  • Making excuses all the time : you  can be failed at an exam, rejected by someone, lost an opportunity, made  a mistake and so on. But you are always ready to defend your fault by  thousands of lame excuses. You are not taking responsibility for your  own fault. It is granted life will not take responsibility for you.

  • Involved with a shitty job : You  are involved with a crappy job. In your job you may be familiar with  these words such as enormous workload, no promotion, horrible boss,  dirty office politics, job insecurity, poor salary and fringe benefits,  no career progression, limited scope for learning new things etc. But  you feel insecure, don't have courage to chase your passion and quit  your job. Things are clear. You are wasting your life.

Try  to get rid of these bad signs of your life by determination and hard  work. It’s not too late to set goals and chase your passion for a better life.