'The Sounds of Winston Wolfe' - A sneak peak at Steemit Talk Podcast Episode 042
Greetings Steemit,
As I was editing audio tonight from the episode of @SteemitTalk Podcast we recorded yesterday - I decided to cut a small promo at the expense of heckling a fellow host (and good real life buddy) Mr. @WinstonWolfe .

Here's a STP Snippet - featuring 100% samples recorded during yesterday's casting session. Episode will be posted soon.
Honestly - I think I pretty much captured his inimitable essence entirely. Hope you enjoy!
Cheers Steemit!
-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast
-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important
-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)
-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music
Hahahahaha... well done. The samples were spot on.
This shit deserves all the SBD's.
Oh man I am losing my stuff right now.
Oh my gosh that beat boxing is AWESOME !!!!!
@giftedgaia, you should release this as a CD with that picture as the cover.
Some aspects of this article i find funny!