THE EYE, YOUR FUTUREsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, it's me @giftizy and am here again with a powerful insight for u to look at what you have and use it to take you to the next level which am gonna share with you.
I asked a close friend yesterday, where she can see herself in the next 5years? she could not give me a valid answer. What she said was maybe she should be married or she should be doing something, I asked her what that something would be all she did was made the statement I hate most in this life and she said when I get to the bridge I will cross it. Many of us in life, go around without a plan, without direction, without knowing what to do in the next hour. Going around without a plan is just like being on Steemit without a niche and many people are like that, they have misplacement of priorities.
The Eye is a very important part of our body, it is a direct passage to the heart which is the producer of vision and also the mind that produces ideas so we can say a man who has vision produces great ideas and as we all know ideas rule the world. The eye is the beginning of everything if a man wants to be good or bad it starts with the eyes, for everything he sees it relays to the mind and stay stuck there. Let me use a biblical illustration in Gen 1:2 to explain how the eye is the beginning of everything in the beginning, God saw that the earth was without form and void and he said let there be light. So first God saw and then he spoke to what he saw.2016_2$largeimg128_Feb_2016_170651483.jpg

If you want to be an inventor, you have to first see yourself as , then your eyes will then relay it to your mind to be conscious of who you ought to be. Your mind will then help you to create that bigger picture of who you are meant to be by creating new and great ideas to put you on the path of your success. God is an inventor, He saw first and then began creation. Your mind is an active part but your eyes will first see it for your mind to work in that direction.
As a student,you have to see yourself as a high flyer student to be a high flyer student, if you see your self as a dull or a can anything good come out of Nazareth student then that is what you become, your mind will be dormant and even when you try to put effort you can't because your mind is waiting for your eyes to see it.

Your mind is working in conformity with what your eyes has seen. For you to be successful, you should first see success and after that you should see yourself in the Home of Success as an occupant not as a visitor.

Successful people see success first to become successful. Have u ever wondered why most successful people use the quote ***I came, I saw, and I conquered. Well first I came meaning u must be there to see, I saw meaning what ever thing you want to achieve in life u must first see it in order to tackle that is to conquer . If Mark Zuckerberg, never saw the books in their student dorms called The Face Books which contained the names and pictures of everyone in the dorm he wouldn't have come up with the idea of facebook. You have see first.
Have you ever thought why God always want us to see our blessings first before he makes it manifest in our life. For example when He told Abraham in Gen 13:15 for all the land which thou seest,to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever. God wanted Abraham to see so that his mind can become aware of what he has. What do u see? Do u see yourself as a mediocre or as a success because there are two perspective of ourselves the positive and the negative so which do u choose. When Moses in the Bible sent the spies only Joshua and Caleb came with positive news and the rest negative news about what they saw. But my dearest I need u to see positive things about yourself if you desire to achieve great height in life. Funny enough even the devil uses the eyes too, when he wanted to tempt Jesus he took him to the pinnacle and showed him the great wealth of the world for him to bow. He did that because he knew that the eyes is easiest passage to the mind. Each time the devil want to make a person to commit sin he first show them the temporary gain they will derive from doing that sin. Friends the Eyes are very Powerful.ayo-jeremiah-vision.jpg

People just make the foolish statement of when we get to the bridge we will cross it but I came to say that you should not wait for the bridge you should see yourself already at the bridge so that your mind can start brainstorming before the time you get to the bridge so that you won't be confused like others who waited for the bridge.

Your Mind is positively correlated with your Eye. The activities of your mind is a function of what your eyes see
Be a forward looking person and never take yourself backward by waiting for the challenge to come first. See yourself already as an overcomer for you to overcome

The brightness or dullness of your future is a function of what your eyes can see about yourself .