Some random pics of my ever-hungry doggo, Nadi

in #life28 days ago

I think that all dogs share this common characteristic of always being hungry. Unless it is fruit or a stupid vegetable, Nadi (my dog) always wants some of whatever anyone is eating. If we are in one of the many pubs that I take her to on a regular basis and someone is eating anything, she will sit near them and stare at them in the hopes that they are going to give her some of it. She is cute enough that this tactic frequently works and I have to monitor her in public because some people will give her an entire pizza crust even though she is so smol.

At home I am able to manage the portions a bit better but she usually does get at least a small piece of whatever I am eating.


This is my living room and because my kitchen table is almost always housing my computers, I almost never eat at that table. I also live alone and I'm the kind of person that will eat just anywhere so I am ok with eating at a low coffee table like the only other one that is in my house. Nadi doesn't seem to mind it either because it gets her closer to those nibbles!


Not everything that I eat is extraordinary. This late night snack is something I call "ghetto nachos" and it is just Doritos, whatever cheese I happen to have in the fridge and then hot sauce poured on it out of the microwave. It gets the job done and honestly, the Doritos on their own probably would suffice. On the rare occasion that I have some garbage food like this Nadi normally doesn't get any of it because for some reason, her tummy is sensitive to artificial flavor powders.


Same place, different type of meal. Watching Nadi eat spaghetti can be a funny experience because I don't know if you noticed, but she doesn't have hands so the only way she can get noodles into her throat is to make this bird like motion with her head. She doesn't mind and she only gets a couple of pieces. By the way they put corn in the bolognaise sauce here, which is super strange to me.


Here is Nadi on one of our trips to the pub. She is well known at this particular pub and is regularly featured on the wall of photos that they change over every couple of months. She is in more of the pictures than I am, in fact.


Every time they change out the pictures I go up there to look and see how many pictures Nadi is in. There are probably 100 photos in total and this time around Nadi was in 3 of them, and I was in zero. haha


I don't even know one of the girls in the above picture but that is just how popular my dog friend is.


This picture I have featured multiple times and it is one of my favorite pictures of Nadi that has ever been taken. The staff at this bar took this photo as Nadi was at the bar begging for chicken and I am glad they took that pic. It is wonderful.

The reason why Nadi likes to go to this bar is because people are constantly playing with her and paying attention to her, she is a "regular" there and the staff always play with her when I bring her in. Plus, there is also the fact that one of Nadi's least favorite things is when I go to the front door, walk through it, and don't bring her with me.

So bring her with me as often as possible and not only do the staff not mind, but they kind of get upset with me if I ever turn up there without her.