The Beginning is Now!

in #life9 years ago (edited)

If you already have the power to print money on demand, why would you also need to dominate other areas of business?

The simple answer? You wouldn't. Well... you wouldn't if your sole objective was to make money.

But that's not the sole objective.

The objective is to maintain control. To ensure that you never have to perform a single task of manual labor unless it is of your choosing, and yet still live like a God on Earth. Everything you ever need, done for you by your... talking monkey men.

To pull this off, you don't need to control every business. That is a waste of time and effort. But there are some key places you do need to be.


Media is used to influence our subconscious feelings and behaviors. "Adventure Land" is a good example of this. From comic books to novels and academia, from cartoons and cinematic drama and news. All of it. This is perhaps the most powerful tool of influence because the effect is so subtle most people aren't even aware it is happening. If you learn a lie as the first thing you ever see or read, how would you ever perceive the truth? Media helps to normalize what is insane.


Education is used to DRILL INTO your subconscious and conscious mind reflexive submission to authority. As you progress through the system, your autonomy increases, but by then the initial programming is already complete. The remainder is simply adding more sophisticated layers of reinforcement, superiority, and confidence in the assertion that authority stands morally incorruptible.

Food & Consumption.

"Garbage in, Garbage out." We are constantly barraged by how cool it is to drink at parties and get wasted. We already know how successful the smoking campaign was. We are taught to consume meat and dairy based dishes (unless a specific character statement is being made). By not consuming healthy food that cleanses us, we continually add toxins to ourselves, and this keeps us in suboptimal operation. We can't think as clearly, we are more emotionally unstable, we tire out faster, we cannot focus for long periods. Like... for example... reading this entire article. By keeping those you wish to control in a constant state of weakness, they are far easier to manipulate.

Health and Medicine.

Controlling medicine enables you to control what potent compounds people put into their bodies. But even more importantly, you can study what compounds have the largest impact on behavior. You can determine the best means to achieve chemical lobotomies of a people. To keep them in a state of complacence. To keep them in a heightened state of agitation, yet still sedated by downers.

And finally...

The Muscle.

You gotta have the muscle. Having the government, military and police under the right yoke ensures that everything you have in motion stays in motion - because after you have educated and reinforced both the importance and objectiveness of law as "fair and balanced," all you need is the ability to ENFORCE whatever law is put on the books, and your watch dogs ensure each of those laws is upheld. You achieve abject servitude of those who serve your every need.

The strategy is so beautiful really... It is practically flawless.

And yet... it is still flawed. Because I C U B E.

You see?

The "kings" never left. Energy is not destroyed, after all, it just... changes form.

And it's changing again. We are all changing form. More see the emperor's clothes. More are gaining wisdom. Casting off the shackles of these tools. The last domino to fall is one of the first put in place. The Muscle.

This is why they are growing so aggressive, you know. The power mongers are growing desperate. Too many. There are too many of us now to keep the lid on it anymore. They know it is too late. They are in the open. All we need to do, is collectively regain our voice and speak our words.

In our own media.

With our own education.

Growing and eating our own food.

Finding our own healing practices and medicine.

And our last frontier...
Using our own system of courts and collective enforcement.

We can already do every single one of those things today. We already ARE doing every single one of those things today! We only need to continue joining with those who are leading the way.

So... Who wants to dig in?


Thank you dragonslayer - you've got some cool content out there. Will have to read your finds! :)

what a nice shot!

good post~

Thank you, got hit by some inspiration. :)

Easy to say hard to implement . Most of humanity depends on something , on banks for loans , on jobs to earn money as first. It's a vicious cycle created by money maffia . Today it's a really hard to go of grid .

Needed to be said, needs to be implemented.

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