How to Train as a Beginner - A Full Workout Plan for the Beginners at the Gym

in #life7 years ago

Hello dear friends!

If you just started to go to the gym or you are still a beginner I want to write some directions for you and some plans for training.

First of all, there is no matter if your goal is to build some muscles, lose weight and fat or just to be healthy, you need to know that there are no shortcuts for that and you will need to give much effort to achieve that.
But to make it easier for you I decided to write this post to get you on the right way just at the beginning.

I still remember that first 3 months for me was the hardest. I didn't have energy, I was weak, I was looking at other guys who were much stronger and bigger than me... But after 3 months you will already have nice progress and that will motivate you to keep going!

Training plan

For the beginning, my advice is to go maximum 3 times per week at the gym. You need to adapt your body to the new effort.
My advice for the first month is to do circular training!
That means you need to do whole your body every training, but of course with much less intensity.

Let's see the example


Exercise 1: Squat

With or without some extra weight it is no matter. It is only important to do this exercise correctly. keep your back straight while going up and down with almost whole your weight at the heels. For the first time it is important to ask the instructor or someone experienced to watch you.

Exercise 2: Leg press

Almost every gym has leg press. with squats, it is the best exercise for legs.
every leg press is different si it is important to ask someone the instruction before exercise.
When you adjust leg press, sit on it with straight back again, put the legs on the place for legs and push it.

Exercise 3: Leg extension

Like with the leg press, your gym should probably have leg extension. It is the best exercise for the end of leg training.
Just adjust height and weight and sit on it, put your legs under the lifter and lift it!


Exercise 1: Pushups or Lat Machine pull downs

Pushups are great exercises for your width of the back but if you can not to do more then 2-3 correct pushups, you can do lat machine pulldowns. Just sit at the machine and put the weight with which you can do 10-12 reps and pull the bar down to your chest. Keep the back straight and your chest try to throw out.

Exercise 2: Deadlift

Deadlift is the hardest exercise for back, but my advice is to start with more demanding exercises from the beginning, but of course, with lightweight.
This can be very dangerous exercise too so it is strongly important to have the instruction of instructor at the beginning.

Starts with the empty bar or with the weight on the floor. Pull the bar to your middle thighs and lock your hips and knees. Return the bar to the floor by moving your hips back while bending your legs. Keep your back straight during whole move!

Exercise 3: Rowing machine

Again with the instruction of your instructor get on the rowing machine, adjust everything to your height and strength and that's it. Adjust weight so you can do at least 10-12 reps.


Arms are splitted to biceps and triceps. For the start train triceps first becaouse it is bigger muscle than biceps.

Exercise 1: Triceps pushdowns

Put the weight so you can do 10 reps minimum and with straight back start to push it down.

Exercise 2: Triceps dips

This is the best exercise for the triceps with your body weight. Simple put your legs forward and hold the bench while going up and down.

Exercise 3: Biceps curls

This is the most basic exercise for biceps. Just staj straight and hold the dumbbell. Lift the dumbbell until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level.


Exercise 1: Bench press

I think that I don't need to write much about bench press... The most common exercise for chest.
Just lay on the bench and the bar should be above your eyes. Take the bar and it need to touch your chest, then lift it up again.

Exercise 2: Chest dumbell flys

Lie down on the bench with a dumbbell in your hands. Lift the dumbbells one at a time so you can hold them in front of you at shoulder width. Return your arms back to the starting position as you squeeze your chest muscles


Exercise 1: Shoulders dumbbell press

Start the shoulders with this great exercise. Just sit on the bench with your back straight, hold the dumbbells in your hands and put it up in the shoulder level. Exhale and push the dumbbells upward until they touch at the top and then lowly lower the weights back down to the starting position

Exercise 2: Shoulders dumbbell fly

Stay straight with your back inclined down. Hold dumbbels under your shoulder level with your palm turned one toward to another and raise your arms in a semi-circle motion out to the side until the upper arm is parallel to the floor.

And that's it! This seems like a really hard and long training, but don't forget that you are working with small weights and you don't need much time for rest between sets. Do 3-4 sets for every exercsies and in every set do 8-12 reps. Rest between the exercises should be 30-60 seconds.

Dont forget to breath correctly! Breathe in when weighing the weight and exhaling when lifting!



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