What are proteins and why do you need them if you want to lose fat or build muscles?

in #life7 years ago

Hello dear Steemit friends!

Already 2 weeks from my first post here and already I can see a lot of positive comments! I can not describe to you how happy I am becaouse of that. My main goal here is to spread fitness and healthy lifestyle so I am really happy that I can share my knowledge with you here.

Today I want to write about Proteins. What are proteins, which foods are the source of proteins etc.

Before everything I want to say that protein must be number one nutrient in your diet! Without protein you can not achieve good results for your goals. If your goal is to lose fat or to build some muscles - you need to eat proteins!


Why do we need proteins?

Proteins are the necessery element from which each tissue is made. They are indispensable for the creation and growth of new cells and the general functioning of every live beings. Proteins in food are number one bulding element for everything in our body.
Through digestion proteins decomposes on aminoacids which is needle for vreating almost everything in and on our body like hair, neals, hormones, skin, enzymes etc.

In our case, let's talk more about proteins and building muscles or loosing fat.

Normal healthy person for normaly living needs around 0.5 - 0.8 proteins per 1 kilogram of body weight. That means if you have 100 kg, you need 50-80 grams of proteins every day for normal functioning of the organism.

But if you work on your body and do some sports activity every day, you need much more then that, around 1.5 - 2 grams of protein daily.

Why is it like that?
Becaouse if you go to the gym and do a weight training, you waste your muscles and your muscles fibers will be broken so you need more protein food to recover that fibers and to make them grow bigger and stronger.


Which foods is high in protein

Many times when I say "proteins" many people first think of Whey Protein powder thinking about some artificial proteins, not knowing that they eat proteins every day throught food.š

I would say again that if you want to achieve your body goals you need to eat more protein foods like:


Meat like chicken or turkey or any other meat without a lot of fat are grat source of proteins.
It have about 20 grams of protein per 100 gr. So that means if you have 70 kilgorams, and you need to eat about 120 grams of protein per day, if you eat 300 grams of meat per day (150 grams x2 in day) that means only from meat you will take 60 grams of protein which is half of the total intake!


Eggs are the best natural source of protein. One egg contains 7 grams of protein, therefore 3 eggs a day brings 21 grams of protein!
But cautiously, the egg yolk is rich in fat, so you should be careful not to overdo it.


Just like meat fish is rich in proteins too! They also have 20 grams of protein per 100 grams, making them a great source of protein. The most fish are not fatty, so you can eat without fear.
Tuna is a great choice.

Milk and cheese

Milk alone has a lower protein share. But let's say cheese is very rich in proteins. Obican cheese has over 20 grams of protein but also has plenty of milk fat that is not advisable to eat.
Therefore, low-fat cheese, is an excellent choice with over 10 grams of protein! Also, protein from low fat cheese is a casein which is slow realeased protein, so if you eat it in the morning or for the last meal will make you fuller longer!

There are many other food that is rich in protein like nuts, some vegetables and many more, but I wrote about those best known and best sources.

Thanks for reading and have a good day / night!
