Section 5- Wandering Thought Center Mind- Fear, Confusion and the Gently Shifting DimensionssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

Section 5- Fear, Confusion and the Gently Shifting Dimensions


This is the Tesseract. It is the dimensionally superior geometry of the Cube in an octave. It is the representation of the fractalization of life into infinite parameters of distance and size. Careful study/observation of this geometry produces understanding of the nature of our condition.

Wandering Thought Center Mind

On nothing in particular
By: Haji, Naadantra Natha, BeFree
Published by Corey David Haag
Printed on the third sphere from the Sun for the Benefit of ALL!
First Printing, 2017

Part 1
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"Graceful Transitions" by Haji

Part 2
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"Reflections" by Haji


Part 1
When we run from our fears, we continually will find them popping up before us. When we engage our fears with Courage, we soon enough find they were only existing in a place of shadow. When our full attention was placed upon them, they melted away as the shadows dissolve in the light of a crisp dawn.
The Brave charge the enemy when they feel they may win.
The Courageous, while trembling in terror, charge the enemy, even if they are sure to fail. They charge because it is the right thing to do. They charge because the right thing to do, is the only thing to do.
It is a matter of remembering. If we remembered to remember our innermost nature, we would never be left in the dark and fears would not be able to root. It is in maintaining ones awareness and cultivating an observational state of mind. When we step into our fears and our discomfort, it will be impossible to continue to carry them along with us. If you find that fear is grasping you after your meditations, you know that more work is yet to be done in this effort. When we find our fears have fallen off of us, we will see the world without boundaries.
I often speak to the force that people feel is necessary to apply to situations that arise in life. No force is Truly necessary. In fact... Anything done with force will fade with the same impetus and energy with which it was created. If you want a thing to last, you must act without acting. Be the witness, never the actor. This means acting without grasping. Being empty and making the mark without thinking. There are many ways to say it, but only to point at it. Never to define it. That is not possible. When this is fully actualized in a being, we call this one Grace.
The one who is unable to be found.
When we come to a point of realization in which the transitions of life occur without friction on any level of the being, we call this Grace. It is the awakening in a being of a complete awareness of the ultimate contradictions. Understanding Death fully, through experience, is the way to arrive at Grace. The teaching is present for those who are ready for it. Fear cannot exist in a place of complete awareness and absolute attentiveness. There is no other way. For a human being to arrive at Grace and Fearlessness, that one MUST step into the fear directly and courageously!

Part 2
Don't be confused. This is a dimension of existence. In this dimension, there is simply no room for ease. Ease is a primary reference to ones Peaceful state of mind. Ease in the Body is indicative of Peace in the mind.
This speaks to knowingness vs. trying to know. If I am engaged in attempting to understand a thing I will never have the space in my mind for simply empathizing. If I am using intellect to comprehend the universe, I never will. If I enjoy and utilize intellectual endeavor, I may see the benefit of it. If I never see beyond the intellect, I will never be free of it. I will remain limited by the definitions I filter life through.

In Closing-
To read the book in order, visit here
Section 1 Invocation
Section 2 On Communication
Section 3 On Intellect and Observation
Section 4 The Meditative Mind

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First Section-Social Enterprise in and for Corporate Relationships
Second Section- On Artificial and Organic Hierarchy and the Imperative of Structure to Function
Third Section- Systemic vs Holistic Approach to Business and Life

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Infinite Blessings!
