Happy Mother's Day! What is the Greatest Act of Motherly Love that You Have Ever Experienced?

in #life7 years ago

Here in the United States, today is Mother's Day.

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In honor of this special day, I would like to ask a favor of everyone. In the comments below, please share a story of the greatest act of motherly love that you ever experienced. That is no big deal. That isn't much of a favor. But that is only half of what I am asking. Next, let the person about whom you wrote know that you shared that particular story.

The star of the story can be your mother, a motherly figure, the mother of your children, a father who has had to play the role of mother and father... basically anyone who deserves to be honored on a day set aside for mothers.

I am lucky. I am surrounded by amazing mothers and motherly figures every day. Here are a few examples of motherly love displayed by three of the most wonderful people I know.

My Mom

Until I was seven years old, my family was relatively poor. I say "relatively" because I am aware that being "poor" in the U.S. is much different than in many parts of the world. But from our point of view, we were indeed poor.

As a single mother, my mom worked many hours as a waitress in order to support my sister and me. On many occasions, she worked from 10:00 in the morning until midnight. As a result, we spent a lot of time at my grandmother's house. I still remember the three-year old me hanging on my mother's leg and crying when she would drop us off. I also remember doing the same after she would visit us on her break. Every day, during her 30 minute lunch break, she would walk to my grandma's house from the restaurant so that she could see us... even if it was only for 15 minutes.

My mom is a very loving woman. I am sure it broke her heart to see me so upset. But my mom is also a smart lady, I'm sure she knew that I was being overly dramatic and 5 minutes after she left, I would go back to playing with my superheroes. It would have been very easy for her to just stay and relax at work during that time. She was on her feet 10-12 hours per day. The last thing she needed was to walk 8 blocks to my grandmother's house. The second to last thing she needed was a crying three year old tugging on her leg.

But that is the thing. It had nothing to do with what she needed. It was all about what her kids needed. We needed clothes, coats, shoes, food, school supplies, an education, a warm bed, and love. She provided all of that... along with some really awesome 1970s toys!

How did she manage to do all of this while being poor?

My sister and I never went without... but that was only because many times my mother did.

The greatest act of motherly love I saw as a child was not just one act. It was constant instances of my mother sacrificing so her children's needs were met. Every September when my sister and I got new school clothes, my mother kept her old ones. Every night when we were able to eat dinner with her, we ate first... then my mom had what was left. Every Christmas and birthday, we had presents, cake and parties just like all the other kids... because my mom spent all year saving every penny she could to ensure that we never knew we were poor.

So I guess I lied when I said my family was poor when I was young. In reality, my mother was poor because she gave all she had to her children. My sister and I weren't really poor. We had everything... because we had Mom.

My teaching assistant

Although my teaching assistant Karen is married, she never had children of her own. She doesn't need any of her own.


Because every child with special needs in our town is her child.

For the past 25 years, during the school year, Karen works with students with special needs at the high school at which I teach. When school is not in session, she works at the park district camp for kids with special needs. There are many kids at the high school with whom she started working when they were three years old.

For several of those children, Karen has actually spent more waking hours with them than their own parents. For those kids, she is a second mom. And they are lucky to have her in their lives.

Even the ones she does not meet until they arrive at high school are lucky to know her. Many of our students with learning and behavioral disabilities have difficult home lives. Some may not have a positive adult female role model in their lives.

Actually that is another lie.

They have Karen.

She shows motherly love by treating these children with respect, setting limits, having high expectations, listening, caring, laughing and teaching. She shows motherly love by being their "school mom".

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I hope my kids remember... and are just like their mom.

My wife

I have already written several posts about how amazing my wife is. She is simply the perfect partner for me and the greatest mother my kids could ever have. Every day she shows Timmy and MJ what motherly love is all about. I have plenty of material from which to choose.

This year I would like to focus on one of the greatest gifts she has given my children...

The perfect role model.

My wife Helen is smart, strong, capable, loving, generous, fun, kind and funny (she's also gorgeous... but that is beside the point). My kids get to see that every day.

My daughter MJ gets to see a woman worth emulating. She can see that a woman is strong and should stand up for herself. A woman is smart and can solve problems. A woman is loving and can take care of those in need. A woman should work hard to achieve any goal that she chooses. A woman should be tenacious and overcome any challenge in her way. A woman should love her children with all her heart. If my daughter can be anything close to the woman my wife is... we have done our jobs as parents.

My son Timmy is watching as well. In addition to learning all of the lessons above, he has the privilege of seeing first hand how a woman deserves to be treated. My wife would never stand for being disrespected by anyone. You better believe that she is teaching my son to treat everyone with respect. Some day my son is going to find someone special. Because he sees how my wife carries herself every day, he will know how to treat that special someone. That should help to make him quite a "catch"!

So now it is your turn.

Number 1: What is the greatest act of motherly love that you ever experienced? (Please share in the comments below.)

Number 2: Please go tell the person responsible for your memory that you shared their story today.

Number 3: Have a Happy Mother's Day!

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You are who you are today because of them. Happy Mothers day to every mother. Unfortunately my mother was a waste of space

Forgive your mother, some unfortunate incident made her that way. Forgiving her may not change her, but it will most definitely change you. Forgiveness releases the anguish you hold inside. It breaks the chains of resentment and anger. Break free! let them fall to the ground. Forgiveness is freedom, it allows you to move forward happily .
To all Mothers, oh Happy Day 😊

This post really did hit home. Over the years my mom has done some very hateful things but I am learning to live and let go. I still message her weekly just to drop a line and say hello. Forgiving her is a everyday process because there is always something new that does arise. It is a difficult journery but my lesson is to not let it get me down and make me bitter towards my own children. The relationship between my mother and I has taught me how to be a mother and how not to be a mother. I love her for that reason and I am thankful for the lessons that I have learned because I have become a better mother because of it all. Thank you all for reading and Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommy's :)

I know not everyone is blessed with a good mother. I hope that you had someone one in your life who fulfilled the role your mother should have. But from what I know, you learned how not to be a mother from yours... because you go out of your way to treat your children (and other people's children) the way you deserved to be treated.

Happy Mother's day to you.

I will share a story of motherly love that involves you...


That's so kind of you. I look back and think my mother taught me how not to be a mother.

I have learned how not to be a teacher from some bad ones. Sometimes it helps to be able to say, "I'll just do the opposite of what they did".

You are clearly doing the opposite of what your mother did.

I am and it seems to be working. I never want to be like her

No matter how you got here, your kids are lucky to have you today!

Thank you now can someone tell them

LOL. They will figure it out by the time they are 30... or have their own kids.

I am sorry that you feel that way. It is a bitter and sweet type of thing, the relationship between mother and child. Maybe you can take the experiences you had and look at the lessons that you did learn out of it all. I didn't have the best relationship with my mother but I am thankful for what I did go through with her. It taught me a lot about how to carry myself as a woman and how to be selfless rather than being selfish towards my own children. Growing up, I had a sense of hate but I have finally gotten to the point of forgiveness and understanding of the the lessons of life and how they will come to you.

To echo the narrative of sacrifice, I will add a story as well.
When I was about 4 years old my parents put me in pre-k in an attempt to start me early in a kindergarten class. After some time, the teacher's realized I was not communicating or making friends with anyone but this one boy. They recommended that my parents take me out of school and work on my communication skills. My mom made the tough decision to put her career on hold and stay home with me and my little brother to work on speaking and listening with us. Apparently that year made all of the difference, I was later accepted into kindergarten and made lots of friends, some of which I am still friends with today. My mother (and father of course) sacrificed a lot to send me and my two siblings to Catholic school, where we obtained a great liberal arts foundation. They went without, so we could learn and have the best opportunities in life. She died of cancer in 2012, and I miss her everyday. Please tell your Moms how much you love them while they are still a phone call away.

Wow this was incredibly moving. I am sorry for your loss but I am happy you have such fond memories of your mother. What she did for you was amazing. It looks like the theme of the day is "putting your children ahead of yourself". You mom is a perfect example of this essential motherly trait. I think you mom just reminded many people on here how lucky they are to be able to call their mom and say "thanks".

Thank you so much for sharing this story.

Happy Mother's day to all of the mothers in your life.

What a a sweet and throughtful idea, I have no doubt that your mom and your wife feel extremely lucky to have you :)

One of the (many) great things I learned from my mom was the importance of sibling bonds. Tattling was strongly discouraged in our house unless it had to do with endangering ourselves or others, and if we got into an argument we had to resolve it before bedtime with hugs and 'I love you's. This practice led to us being not only close siblings but best friends.
I've continued this legacy with my own children, who at 13 (Ethan) and 16 (Zoe) are also the best of friends, I'm proud to say.
I will definitely let my mom kn,ow I told this story, she'll be thrilled :)

That is awesome! Those are very important lessons. Your mom is very wise... so are you.

Happy mother's day!!!!

good post and awesome storys! Here is my mum-story:
As a child, I did something at school. The teacher ordered my mother to talk and complained about me. My mom asked me if it was true. Although I knew that it was true, i said no. The teacher became angry and accused me of lying. My mother looked straight into her eyes and said, "My son is not lying". The teacher immediately realized that it was futile. This mother would defend her son to the blood, no matter what he did.
Since that day, I knew that even the heavens could break over me, my mother would always be there.

That is awesome! Did you ever let your mom know the truth? I bet now that you are older it would lead to a pretty big laugh.

You don't mess with a mea bear's cub... ever!

Happy mother's day to all the mothers in your life.

"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children."
A quote from the movie, The Crow.

I almost used this as the opening picture but it just didn't match the feeling I was going fro. But I that line was going through my head the entire time I wrote this.

Yeah, it was a great movie.

And the soundtrack is simply amazing!

One of my favorite lines of all time!

Great post ! happy Mother´s Day to all moms outside ! You do a great job


Happy mother's day to all the mothers in your life!

Thank you and if you are a mom, Happy Mothers Day to you too! ;)

My mother had my back on my good and bad days. Now i visit her at the cemetary have a couple of shots with her, sit on the grass an d lean against her tombstone, and drop off a flowers. Happy Mothers Day!

I hope you thought of some good memories of your mother today. Thank you for sharing.

That's what's up right there! Sounds like you two had a nice relationship. I love the way you chill with her at the cemetery. That's awesome! A couple of shots and chill out with mom dukes. I really do love that!

This particular mothers day is a tough one but it was joyful. I have two daughters, one lives with me and the other is with her dad. My daugher and I still spend the day together, she bought me a rose, a card and sang me a song. I guess I can say that this is one of the best mothers days that ive had. It would've been a little different if my oldest was here too. Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommy's!

I am very happy that you and your daughter were able to create some beautiful new Mother's day memories!

Happy mother's day to all the mothers in your life!

The best thing she did was always believe me I know right from wrong! To share the positivity you bring to Steemit with this post I linked it to my last! Cheers!

That is great! A very valuable lesson and the one I take most serious as a parent!

Wow, what an article. I can tell your family is warm & loving. And I liked what u said about RESPECT - that because yr Wife would never stand for being disrespected, she sets a great example for yr son.

Ah, if only all moms could be that way - we would have a better world community (and far fewer rapes).

Anyway, your post really took me back - I remembered when I was in High School, doing volunteer work with the disabled teens .

It was quite an eye-opener - and showed me how to open my mind. It illuminated me to other people, other challenges & what some families had to experience. "One day at a time" is a phrase that RESONATED.


Thank you so much! I agree 100%. If parents just took the responsibility to teach their children well, the world would be a much better place. There are sometimes things out a parent's control... but if they just do their best to raise good people, we would see vast improvements in the world.

Its awesome that you volunteered to work with kids with disabilities. I bet it was a ton of fun!

Happy Mother's day to all of the mothers in your life!