Aspire to Inspire Before You Get Expire (We Just have 1 life only ONe)

in #life8 years ago

You got just one life, one chance and what you do with it will become history OR U will become History if dont Do Something
MAKE use of it :)

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This one is dedicated to all of you soon to be new graduates. What a bigger driver? Strategy OR the tactics to bring those strategies to life? The answer is that it depends on the role you will pursue. However for the entrepreneurial path, there is only one answer: BOTH are equally important.

To those thinking of going to work at a university: to succeed you have to excel and shine with your thinking and ideas. Your varied thoughts and points of view will be rewarded.

To those who will be joining the eventual ranks of middle management, Dilbert, and the cast of The Office, be ready to run nonstop if you want to succeed. You will get promoted based on how many things you can juggle and how well you can keep them in the air, not by generating ideas.

And finally to those thinking of jumping off into the startup deep end, ideas and execution are two sides of the same coin. Both are equally essential and skills in both will get you closer to success.

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