Voting day in South Africa! and singing and dancing

in #life8 years ago

Time for elections in South Africa! Local elections this time around. We have local and national elections every 5 years.

As is the world over, politics and life become just a little more interesting. So lets look at our race contenders!

In lane #1, sporting the black trunks with green and yellow trim!

ANC - African National Congress
In power currently, has majority votes. The party Mandela was part of.
Colours: Green yellow and black.
Likes: songs and dance; corruption; money; making ass of themselves, blaming apartheid; laughing at everything
Dislikes: Investigations into corruption; paying back the money; the EFF & the DA
Bad reputation these days with "leader" President Jacob Zuma who is practically a crude caricature of himself. Lying - corrupt - laughing - unapologetic. Its a pretty ugly mess they have created for themselves after the glory days of the liberation movement.
Singing and dancing ability 9/10

Our president Jacob Zuma

In lane #2 sporting the blue trunks with white trim

DA- Democratic Alliance: The official opposition party. Shouts a lot at the ANC. Controls the Western Cape which annoys the ANC.
Colours: Blue and white
Likes: Blaming the ANC. Going to court. The Western Cape. Arguing
Dislikes: The ANC. Jacob Zuma. Not blaming the ANC.
Has a coconut image. The party leader is Mmusi Maimane. Black leader but the party has a white history. Make inspiring speeches but has a bit of a reputation of talking too much and doing too little.
singing and dancing ability: 3/10 (personally I blame the lack of sing and dance on the white party history)

The darling of the DA Mmusi Maimane

And in lane #3 sporting the red trunks, with red trim!

EFF-Economic Freedom Party: Breakaway party from the ANC. In its own words "a radical and militant economic emancipation movement that brings together revolutionary, fearless, radical, and militant activists" Led by Julius Malema
Colours: Red
Likes: free stuff; Johnny Walker Blue Label, free land, promises, the colour red, and causing a scene at any opportunity; blaming racism; fighting, welfare state,
Dislikes: Capitalism, white capitalists, white oppressors, oppressors, white capitalist oppressors, any colour that is not red. Especially not white. Logical economic policies
They are pretty bat shit insane. Id have to dedicate a blog just for them. Basically its all militant radical craziness. He loves Robert Mugabe and thinks Zimbabwe is amazing. I think that puts it into perspective.

.... Julius Malema

Singing and dancing ability: 7/10

Singing and dancing is an incredibly important part of the south African way of life. From our sportsman to our emergency services to our politicians. Singing and dancing is PIVOTAL to our existence as a country.
some song and dance are not so pleasant and cause division

Zuma singing about his famous machine gun

And some song and dance make us all incredibly proud and bring a tear to the eye
Firefighters landing in Canada havin a bit of a post flight jive

If we had to go on song and dance alone, it looks like the ANC will take this municipal elections by a landslide. They got some sweet moves.

In all seriousness though,it is a pretty big day today. These are massively important elections for South Africa. More important than the National elections. The ANC has been in power since apartheid was abolished, but the ANC is slowly losing support. Especially in the metros, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Joburg.
The ANC as a liberation movement seems to be struggling in the format of ruling party. Looked rosy in the beginning, it was all rainbow nation and freedom and unicorns. However with global economic uncertainty and a country that is struggling with mass poverty and unemployment, rainbows and unicorns can only take you so far. The questions now is, how far will the ANC go to retain power? Where do the majority of disillusioned pissed of people lean politically?
I have no idea, but there is a palpable excitement in the air. Things are going to be extremely interesting in the coming week. Best to hope for a peaceful vote, and let the public speak their mind.

My voting station had a smaller queue!

And as a bonus theres going to be a lot of happy singing and dancing for winners, and a lot of angry singing and dancing for the losers. Cant go wrong with singing and dancing.


I upvoted You


hahahahahahahahaha we will now religiously follow your blog, so much funnier when you actually live in the country. Great one, had us on the floor laughing the entire time!! #upvoted

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