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RE: About Steemit, Respect and Building a Positive Network

in #life6 years ago (edited)

You sure are preachy and whiny for someone who uses up-vote bots. Your desperate posts are sappy. I don't care how successful you are or were. Being fake happy is toxic. Sorry you have had a hard life growing up but why take it out on people by saying how successful, positive and good person you are. Just 'cause you were poor then successful doesn't make you a hero or even a good person. Maybe you should read more books and get more intellectual. You can be addressed everywhere by media at a grade 3-8 level. Why continue the dumbing down of society!! Read a book!!


Thank you havok, its obvious you never understand anything I write. - I suggest you continue in your ways and see where it leads you, i guess in the end we will see who was right. I follow your blog and I don't like what I see there, but I never flagged you or criticize your work and keep my opinions to myself, because I understand and respect the fact that everything you do, you do with your heart because you believe in it. Sadly nothing I wrote here reach to you because you think you are too intellectual for it, or it looks like this for me. I think you are someone who does not get enough credit for your work on steem, and it would be good if more people supported your blog, i would not mind supporting it if you dont get upset about it. But i respect your choice. - But try not to use insulting words with me, you dont really know me enough to say these days, and dont know how much i can teach people. If its no good for you, that is fine, that means you believe in your solutions, but stop criticizing anyone who is putting effort to teach others who maybe don't have your brilliant mind. Wishing you the best!

Don't worry I get it allot on another social media. Just the other day there was an author who added me as friend on f.b. an intellectual right!? Yes well I can offend them too!! He posts about a book from the romantic period about a tragic character, all to do with false love, falling in love with your cousin. The author friend who mentioned this was complaining about how his presence didn't light up the room in his old age when he posted about this 1800's romantic novel. Me I don't read fiction very much. So I say stay Judish, take a sad song and make it better. It's a Beatles lyric. And the character in the novel he mentioned name was Jude. It was a joke. Then he said something about the people that call others mentally ill are the most mentally ill. I said stay on the sunny side of morbid. He said I was corrosive and unfriended me. So that was interesting. This topic is coming up! Then I went onto Weku steemit clone and flagged a bunch of people. Felt like the old Wild West steemit days. I tried what berniesanders on steemit said to just have fun and post and flag whoever you want! I have found that somewhat interesting. Those I flag tells something about me. I'm not sure yet where this will go. I am feeling better, thanks for your response. So I am reading a bit of this book called Verbal Judo - The Gentle Art Of Persuasion, you could check it out and up your game!!

You stop abusing the system, you think selfish behavior like this is commendable and you can hide behind "networking " when you can't even take criticism without turning it around? It's as if your paper thin veneer will magically hold up from the hypocrisy of "don't criticize me, but let me tell you how you ought to respond, how you ought to run your blog, and hang the carrot of my support behind if only you wouldn't criticize me"

You're a good people reader but you turn down the call to better yourself at regular literacy because 99% are illiterate like yourself.. Phleaze tell us about how many you educated, not to boast but to "help" us out, you who takes no criticism.

Excellent, he's making it seem as if he networked his way to the position he's in but clearly it's been quite the opposite, labeling people as toxic because a bit of introspection on what a stranger says is invalid by default, because of how successful and not at fault he's always, therealwolf has flaws, everyone has flaws, not this supper successful individual that does their best to "network" by speaking simply and repeating everything three times and showing zilch for appreciation (toxic by default) , humility or least compassion. I'd love to hear how Steem, a quite simple concept that at its heart has Curation as a function and Self Voting quite nailed down as Abuse, take more than a year to get? Is it that difficult to admit that you're a little bit not concerned with abusing the system, well I've never interacted with them but their shit posts never made me tell em, hey you're abusing the system, maybe I should have, maybe I wasn't going to be labelled as worthless human being with a worthless opinion, because abuse is an opinion, how can anything be absolute truth, and it's not absolutely true that the prejudice one holds against anything mildly speaking of ones character is there only to speak on themselves as toxic, worthless piece of shit, because after all, you're a human being with feeling behind your voturbation who ought to be always considered as perfect.

Thank for yours words and for you r effort and time to comment. Regards

What's worse, calling people GARBAGE or toxic? What's worse, calling for networking and positivity while voturbating and abusing the system or dismissing someone who points out your hypocrisy with "thank you"?