Whay Mayor Choose ''GHOST" If you Can Go Back To The World??

in #life7 years ago

Consider the advice of Sheikh Maher al'Mueaqly hafidzahullah [Imam Masjidil Haram]:

As God says:

رب لولا أخرتني إلى أجل قريب فأصدق

  • "O my Lord, if You deign to delay my [death] a little more time, then I can give alms ..." {QS. Al Munafiqun: 10} *

Why he did not say,

  • "Then I can perform umroh" or "Then I can do the prayer or fast" etc? *

  • Said the scholars, Not a deceiver mentioning "alms" except because he saw the magnitude of reward and good after he died ... *

  • Then, perbedlah charity, because a believer will be under the shade of sedekahnnya ... *

Rasulullah sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam said,

  • "Everyone will be under the auspices of the charity, until the matters are settled among men." (HR Ahmad) *

And, charity is on behalf of those who have died among you, because in fact they are very hoping to return to the world to be charitable and do good deeds, then realize their hopes ...

From 'Aisha radhiyallahu' anha that someone came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then he said:

  • "O Messenger of Allah, actually my mother suddenly died and did not have time to deliver wills to me. If he wanted to give a will, he would have to give it to charity. Will my mother be rewarded if I give charity to her? Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied, "yes". (Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim) *

  • And, get used to, teach your kids to give charity ... *

  • And the "most important" alms today are; spread this paper with the intention of alms. *

  • Because anyone who practices the contents of this writing, and teaches it to the next generation, his reward will return to you in-syaa Allah. (Ts / portalpiyungan) *

fighting to live before dying approaches