Dear Satan: Time Is Running Out For You

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Satan

      I see you're ramping up your efforts to further destroy the Earth and everyone in it. Another thing I noticed is that you have spearheaded what is the beginning of a strong delusion. We have traded truth for lies. Thanks to you and your dark squad we are on the path towards the inevitable. Utter destruction. But you and I both know that deep down you see the writing on the wall. Your time is running out. You're afraid of losing this war. Tisk, tisk. It sucks to be you. 

      You should tell people that you are the face of this current world system that enslaves and demoralizes people. People should also know that this is not a game. But I know you have every intention of keeping them in the gray about it. You have the death touch. You ruin everything that is truly good. That is your nature. It's who you are.

      The inevitable is approaching. This world be liberated once and for all from you, anything or anyone associated with you and your ways. Soon everyone will see things much clearer and you will be exposed. However in the mean time have fun spreading the lies and confusion. I will be expecting things to get much worse in the coming years as it is prophesied. You can try to kill us off but we don't fear you. Killing us will only make things worse for you. We know you are whispering in the ears of governments enticing them to push the nuke button to obliterate us all. 

      Tick tock, tick tock. You hear that? Yepp. It's game over soon. We will fight your forces with the help of the Almighty. Darkness will not prevail. Truth is greater. Love is more powerful. We have already won and you know you're done. Even time is not your friend and it is running out on you. 

------------------BTW, you must've forgot-------------------

Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are initiated, aren't we devil? Members of God's Family! And you betrayed us!

I'll be writing you again because I have loads of ammo I need to spew in your direction. You have confused people long enough and my mission is to expose you and your life threatening schemes.

Soon it will be our turn to hold the game... 

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Yes time is really running out ad we can win every battle but we certainly cant win against time. Time is very very powerful even beyond our imagination.

Time is a construct. It was created. Eternity exists and that is the real reality.

Yes the inevitable is approaching and the thing which is considered as a win from one angle seems like a loss from the other angle.

The only way out to make it through is "love".

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

It is inevitable for sure. The world will not have a clue what to do.

Dear Satan

You have the liberty given to you by God for an appointed time, it's coming to an end. All your torments and deceit will soon be over. You have led so many astray from seeing themselves in the image and likeness of their creator, your lies have made them loose their focus on HIM.

It shall be that at the appointed time He shall come to take His own who consciously reject your ways and your promises.

He will come soon to take power from you and give all power on heaven and earth to his Son.

Powerful!! You got it.

Time is running out from him so he needs more effort to deceive the uniniated.What we have is God, let us strenghten our weapon because for sure he will double or triple or even more his effort toward us to grasp our feet to be with him.But if our weapon (words of God)are firm and has the best strength then he cannot even try look into our eyes because he know that there is no way he can deceive us.

Truth and more truth. You speak with confidence and I agree.

 Thanks @humanearl for sharing the post with all of us.

Once again a great on Point post by you & rightly said Satan will always try to destroy us from inside and outside but we have the force of Truth within us,which will give the power to go beyond the lies if they think they will conquer the whole world with that tactics they are very wrong there.

 You ruin everything that is truly good. That is your nature. It's who you are. 

Can ruin everything but can't break us or shatter us completely until we all are together.

 We will fight your forces with the help of the Almighty. 

If satan have the army of Millions of forces we don't have to worry because we have the love alongside and blessings of Almighty and having that with us nothing could break or destroy us and Love is more powerful 

Thanks a lot again for sharing 

Have a great day ahead.


Yepp so true. Satan is fighting a losing battle. He knows this so the next 10 years or so will be much worse because he knows his time is running out and he will try to destroy humanity.

I perhaps use
"To hell with Satan"
Yeah sure buddy,you got some pretty good accomplishment in making us go mad,crazy,hating each other,in making us egoistic,get into some serious wars,eventually that costs millions and millions of lives of innocents.millios died,millions fled,millions get orphaned.this must be something you are chauvinist of,& in coming future it will gonna increase only.Which will soon make you egoistic too.
Then a day will come to you.where you won't find any friend there.a fall which you haven't dream can't even feel the hard ship of day.
I do conclude my say with a prayer hopefully Almighty accepts it.
"I do pray to the Almighty don't make us all from amongst those who will be labeled with your wrath.indeed we are the weakest creation"

Our help comes form the Almighty. That's the only way we can truly defeat evil. We can't do it without Him because he has the power to get rid of evil once and for all.

True that,indeed!Sooner or later devil will find its place straight to the belief in Almighty is eternal at least for now,& hope devil didn't get success in fading it out.

"Love is more powerful." Amen Brother. 👍👍

Thanks. I just think some people have a defeated mentality by saying this is just the way things are . In other words they would say that evil is here to stay. But we know love is more powerful and will ultimately win.

Your right @humanearl , Truth is greater. Love is more powerful. We have already won against him.😇😇

😭😥But I remember again about what happen to my grandma lastyear, this coming april is her death anniv. I KNOW THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU SATAN!!!😡 why are you still existing.! Do you really love what you are doing!! Is that the way you treat and invites friends!! You know what!? You better stay on one circle only, and do PLAY with yourself.
If you really want to have friend , you better watch out, and do not introduce to us your everlasting HELL! Go away!! Its over and yeah GAME IS OVER SATAN!

Sorry steemians I'm triggered 😵😡😩
😢😭 I just rrmember last year.. Sorry😭

Please my fellow steemians evertime , everyday, or for the rest of our life , Do love your FAMILY. Bring them the SEED OF LOVE that comes withing Faith, Honesty, kindness, pure , and happiness
Do not let others destroy this SEED!
You know what (for everyone)? We all have difference, so do not make a gossip with the others because that is just a NON SENSE. If you really appreciate them , DONT TALK LIES behind them. You really dont know about them, YOU BETTER MAKE YOUR OWN BUSINESS , AWAY FROM TALKING TO THE LIFE OF OTHER THAT YOU REALLY DONT KNOW! PLEASE

Hehe thank you for this @humanearl , I just want to share my feeling at this time. Cause I feel really bad when ,we lost our Grandma .
We thank you because , We have this Big God. KEEP strong to our FAITH.
Godbless everyone 😇

Your words have much power and people need this. Thanks for sharing @dranren

@humanearl Thanks for the encouraging words. I am starting to grow really tired of Satan. I was reading about the deceiving wars the Roman army conducted against neighboring populations in central Italy before they conquered the world ... and it makes me think that humans have learned little in over 2000 years. Eventually the empire collapsed due to their evil and corrupt society. Shouldn't we be morally and emotinally advanced by now...

Rome ruled the world by force just like any other major world empire. What do Egypt, Rome, Great Britain, etc. all have in common? They all collapsed. The same will go for America or any other world power that has dominated for a long time.

Ahhh. So here's the thing about being advanced. We are actually moving away from morality. It's like the law of entropy. Everything is moving towards decay. We are actually devolving instead of evolving or advancing. Don't let the new shiny tech fool you because we are becoming more rotten at the core. The tech is just an illusion of advancement. That's the truth and my friend I promise you will see things get much worse over the next 10 years or so. It is promised that this will happen.

Now is the time to find the escape hatch and there's only one way out. Ask me about it if it's important to you

I expect things to get much worse. I agree that we haven't reached rock bottom yet, but it's a matter of time. The shiny tech has made people more ignorant than ever. I've always distanced myself from the rat races and try to shine light around and inside of me. What is your escape hatch?

For me I have put my trust in the creator of all things. Yahweh swore by his own name that he would fulfill his promises to us who believe him. I know of no other power that can do away with the evil that is about to take the world by storm. Only Yahweh can save us now. He loves us and is giving us a way out.

I'm with you @humanearl. I trust that the higher power will give us a way out.

@humanearl, Sorry for delay comment. Actually highly appreciated post you again shared. It's most inspiration contents indeed and encouraging peoples how to preserve from life threatening schemes. You was expose us already and will do I know.
I disagree with current world system. Increasing imbalance between many humans. They all try to do war against them. Why peoples attacking each others? Can be very small thing. It would be land, money, political problem etc... Also currently peoples have divided poor and rich. Rich humans always try to keep poor ones under the enslaves condition. This is bad situation. I hate this moment. Thank for write more valuable article.
Stay blessed.

But a solution does exist and it is our only option.