Feeling Down? Read This!
Do you ever feel so horrible? Like you badly need a good rest and more like you don't want to wake up? Coz you know that if you wake up, everything is back to square on how you feel bad about yourself.
This is not about overeacting things out but it's about how you reflect your life once. Have you ever regret things that each night it visits you through your nightmare?
Do you ever feel so empty all of a sudden? Have you questioned yourself what you are doing with your life or are you satisfied with what's in your life? Right this moment?
Questions run in our minds. So many of them and some remained unanswered. And suddenly, you'll hate yourself, then the world. You'll start blaming those wrong things to everyone. You'll start digging those memories that should be buried. You'll start to act like as cold as an ice and have a heart that's as hard as a rock. You'll start being uninterested on things that was used to be your hero for saving you to be drowned by loneliness. You'll start hurting yourself and everyone that surrounds you.
You just need to take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Talk to someone. Call for someone.
Ask for someone's time to listen to you. Or if you like, just talk to the King Of All Man Kind. Talk to him. Cry out loud those things that were left unsaid. For he won't, really won't judge you. For he will only listen to you, he will embrace you tight with love afterall the mistakes you've done. He will never stop loving you. All you have to do is to talk with Him with all your heart. He can help.