What I want from Life?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

*Photographer - Aashis Chetry

We all have some sort of dreams, hopes & aspirations for life. We also opted as these as our goal or aim of life. We always seem that future should be much better then this present day. So, we want something special in this life. Its quite similar with the everybody!

Now, I'm taking this point that What I want in my life!!

“I never wanted anything from life”, if I say like this way, I would be lying. I think, that would be the biggest lie of everyone’s life. I wanted, yes I have always wanted. But what do I really want in life? It also difficult for me to choose or which things are the very necessary for me?? I don’t know yet. So, everything I wanted & still want. But is this all possible? Can one person be all these things in one life time? I don’t know. However , I have one wish ! I want to live & want to write about myself & everyone I ever met or will meet in my path of life. To be able to read , write & listen everything beautiful & also painful stories of near & dear ones. Try to experience the feeling, emotions, sadness, joys & fantasy of everyone’s life & to capture all this. And, This is my dream!!

Thanks for your happy reading !!



Every one have some sort of dreams and aspirations from their life,and most of the people often diverted from their main focus pf life , because of ups and down, and start the pitfalls of life so we should focus on what we want , we should go with the flows, as I consider this earth is war zone , where god sended us to win war by or struggle and efforts

inspiring lines... thanks a lot