What are you doing with your life?

in #life6 years ago



Just take a minute or two and reflect on, where you are in your life right now!

How old are you?

What are you doing for employment?

What is your income?

How is your family?

How much time do you spend with them?

There are any number of questions you could ask yourself. You will know what they are, just take a little time to reflect.

In this time and age with all the worldly troubles that keep coming our way, How are you doing? …Just fine thank you very much, then great for you. Though I guess, if most of us are really honest, we are just a little disappointed with ourselves. The dreams we had in earlier life will have slipped away from us, maybe even more than we have imagined.

Like most of us in today’s world, the main dreams we have will be built around, what we will do IF we win the lottery, the big one, WOW! The world will be our oyster. But without this big win, we will just carry on in our own little world and keep things ticking along.

It’s about now you should be thinking, How can I make things better for myself, my family and my life. I don’t want to just dream of the things I would love to do, I want to be out there doing them, right now. But How?

Well, there is a way, if you really, truly want one. Though it’s not an easy way out. There is work involved and lots of it. There is money that will need to be spent,, time to put aside, to do all that is required. Though if you really, truly do want to live your dreams and make them a reality, and you have the strength of character to push on and do all that is required of you, then you can make today, the first day of the rest of your life.