Take the time to learn something important. Cryptocurrency and you being alive to watch it...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

...is all of us witnessing history for multiple generations to come. POWERFUL POST. REAL IDEAS.








...everything (and I mean everything) can be reduced to binary. It's 1's and 0's.

To repeat.. it's ONES and ZEROS...

Which means it is either ON or OFF

There is no "maybe" with computers. Digital code translates into what humans can't seem to do... Computers think logically. It is either THIS OR THAT

A Bitcoin transfer happened, or it did not happen.

...it's quite simple actually. Even when there are forks in the blockchain, the truth eventually surfaces.

There is no logic, or simple binary things in human thinking. There's always a grey area.

I, like many others, believe that when it comes to finances, it is either TRUE or FALSE.

  • Some economists will say "perhaps this will become true"
  • Some economists will say "perhaps that will become false"
  • Some governments will say "we recognize this to be true"
  • Some governments will say "we recognize that to be false"



You work hard all day long. You get paid $10 for your time. That is your $10 to spend as you wish, right?

It depends on who you ask...

Yes, you have $10 that you earned "worth of something" and you bought something on the blockchain but...

  • The bank might have restrictions on whether or not you have access to that $10
  • The government may have to investigate whether or not you are spending it the right way
  • A portion of that $10 might go to sales tax, gas tax, or some other tax

So after earning $10, is that $10 really yours? It's always questioned by so many people looking at what is in your pocket.

Now when you have Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency, you have $10 worth of "something".

The blockchain only cares whether or not you have the private keys to that $10 worth "of something"

The blockchain only cares if you send that $10 from you, to some other address, and that's it.

Is it complicated to send $10 worth of some cryptocoin to some other address? YES! It is...

Is it easy to understand that $10 worth of some cryptocoin is 100% in your control, because of cryptographic keys, and you can decide where that $10 goes next? (YES, the concept is easy)

Cryptocurrency is popular, not because of how easy it is to use... because it gives the basis of "I own control of this property, commodity, stake or ownership in something" and because of my private keys "I decide where it goes next".

If you look at the universal human rights as recognized by the United Nations:


Article 17.

(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Your cryptographic keys which owns "property" on the blockchain, is your right, as a human being, as long as you are not arbitrarily deprived of his property.

So owning Bitcoin is your right. Owning STEEM is your right. No one shall be arbitrarily be deprived of that...

What does "arbitrarily" mean?

Well that's where it goes into the grey area again. It's no longer 1's and 0's, or TRUE or FALSE. No logic.

Arbitrarily under dictionary definition means:


  • decided by a judge or arbiter rather than by a law or statute.

Which means laws and statues can pop up at any given moment to lose your right to property.

Right now, we see, no one really knows if cryptocurrency is good or bad for the human race. There are thousands of PROS, and a few hundred CONS. So stopping cryptocurrency at this stage seems to be unethical and harmful to humans on this planet.

At some point we have to come back to basics, and maybe ask George Washington himself who was the first president of the United States and one of the founding fathers who once said:



“It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.”


...and that is exactly the question raised today in courts, law, statutes, governments and investigations today.

I watched the Feb 6, 2018 congress meetings with CFTC and SEC on TV. Want to know how many times the first president of the United States was mentioned? ZERO Want to know how much the founding fathers vision for the country was mentioned? ZERO.

Do we deprive the basic UN human right to be arbitrarily deprived of his property (blockchain wealth) under the rule of law "upon the supposition he may abuse it?|" (as per George Washington's caution to us all)

The answer is NO, we should NOT

Judges, arbitrators, and those defining legislation and crafting your decisions, please take notice.

The key to society acquiescence is for the common man to be able to feel confident that the $10 he has earned to be spendable by him, and him alone. If you keep treading on that right of property and liberty it is eventually going to cause justice, statues, and laws, to be seen in disrepute.

If you want to catch terrorists, or illegal uses of funds, whether it be USD, GOLD, SILVER, BITCOIN, or SPICES.. you do so in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of the legal and human rights of citizens who hold property without malintent.

  • "Shoot the jews in the head" Hitler might have said. His officers obeyed.

  • "We need to stop Bitcoin some large Bankers and lobbyists might say"

See the parallel lines? Who do you listen to?

You must listen to your inner conscience.

Don't do what you know is inherently wrong. This goes to all humans reading this... if you are EVER asked to do something (or pass judgement on someone), that you know is wrong, just to earn a paycheck... and help those who insist on infringing on basic human rights, you're guilty just as they are.

For the world to survive it is our own inner realization that we must hold true, like 1's and 0's. It is either TRUE or FALSE.

We either want to see a better world with more accountability or we don't.

The blockchain is an immutable ledger. It protects everyone. Not just those anonymous. It protects the layman who has earned the $10 in his pocket and wants to trade it freely as he has the right to do so.


So please stop attacking the blockchain as it the source of problems. It isn't. It is the endpoints that should have your focus and if you spend more time on that... you'll find the minority of bad actors that you are seeking.

Sorry I had to get this out... put it into the STEEM blockchain, and maybe long after I'm dead of old age, someone, somewhere may dig this up one day and say ... you know... when @intelliguy wrote that in 2018, I'm impressed he recognized it.

What do you think?

P.S. If you believe in cryptocurrency AND the human race, I recommend you re-steem this post.


congratulations intelliguy....i've read the whole article...i really enjoyed it...i think i have become an addict of your posts...when i check my 'FEED' i just always stop in your nickname...
...anyway what you say is very well said, you give everybody to understand exactly what is the problem and the spark to think what must be done!!!....keep up the good work my friend!!!...upvoted with both of my hands!!!!!

The way I manage to do this... is I wait "for it". It's like an explosion of what I need to say and it makes its way into a blog. I can't just write for the sake of writing... maybe that is the secret of why the things I say come across this way.

Thank you for noticing. I won't litter your feed with everyday junk. So I'm glad you're noticing that if I have something to say it is worth checking out to decide. :)

Very nice comment. It encourages me to continue doing what I do. :)

Retaining full ownership and control over your own money is such a huge drawcard to crypto.

Great, passionate blog mate. I’ve given you a follow and will hopefully see you around!

You spent the time to read the blog post. I can tell from your comment.

You're right. That's what crypto is all about... finally owning 100% of something and with our private keys deciding where it goes next.

That sounds small, but is is so very important. That's why crypto is popular. I love the fact that you read all of it and left this comment. I may have reached 5 to 10 people with what I wrote, and that's why I did it. It's just too bad there isn't enough people who will see the light I just put on the situation.

I will see you around, and I'm following you back. Thanks!

@intelliguy sir...
Digital money can make us rich to deal with ourselves. I genuinely trust that. Be that as it may, what I additionally accept is that it will influence us to sufficiently fit to serve the penniless also.

It is absolutely difficult for all to give. Every one is battling in their own specific manners. In any case, that is the magnificence of life is it not? One who has seen the intense time will identify towards the one enduring. Such a one when independent can promptly consider helping other people. When I put in endeavors to gain, I should put in little endeavors along to share.

One might be poor out of absence of education, another might be expected life's weight of overwhelming obligations, another might be out of sheer apathy and some might be not able meet the sudden needs of life. In any case, the truth of the matter is same. They all need assistance. From numerous points of view it can be tended to.

One key thing I picked up on and the full or real jist of the article; As with anything the early stages are the most difficult for people, but over time it will be the same level of difficulty as email or the WWW was for people, but now overcome... so to with cryptos.

And in this day of so much manipulation in gray areas, we definitely need to get back to black and white, right and wrong as well as yes or no.

Crypto is the answer to the question regular people have asked themselves for decades now, and hte people at the top always neglected.

The question is "What if...?"

What if i can get money doing the things i want? What if i don't have to put big money in there, in order to get more money? What if i can earn decent money and decide what would i do with it, for a change? What if you don't watch what i do with my honestly earned money?

What if there is actually another way? A way you can't control?

I read it carefully at 1sr to saw your WARNING!I know some basic concept of how do work computer.But this blog help me to understand crypto earning and use, benefit.Your 10$ example is outstanding.
I hope next era will more be depended in language of "ZERO" and "ONE" !

@intelliguy... what i way to break this down and blast the absurdity around it into smithereens. Crypto has come to stay. there is he saying that whatever a man does not understands he fears and attacks. That is what i see about all these cracking-down all around. This is truly revolutionary. Sometime decades ago, many do not trust the security of online purchasing but today everyone does it. Soon enough, people will buy groceries with their crypto coins.

And i must commend you @intelliguy... that $10 example is dope!

Those that take the time to read it, and ponder it all, will fully understand what I said.. just like you did..

what i way to break this down and blast the absurdity around it into smithereens.

It is absurdity, and you said it best. Thanks for reading the post in full. Most won't. We need people to understand how absurd the current condition is..

Thanks very much for your comment. If I could vote it higher I would.

Thanks for appreciating my take on this. we are in for the same thing boss!

This technology is truly revolutionary. Because the internet is borderless and surpasses jurisdictions, authority will eventually lose control of the law to consensus algorithms. Justice will be decentralized, and I mean this in the sense that the efficient, material, and formal causes that make up accusations will eventually be reinstated.

is not fair that all your effort to earn your money the government wants to take it away for X circumstance, for that one works hard anyway, if you earn $ 50 in steemit and have to pay X% for tax because the government decrees it or a judge then you are working for the government.
it does not seem fair to me

Thanks for getting this out there. Sincerely.

everything (and I mean everything) can be reduced to binary. It's 1's and 0's.

Why not 1 and 2? Or better yet 3 and 4? And the number pairs can go on, and on, and on.

What makes 0 and 1 so special that it is the only recognizable language in binary computer systems?

Kindly explain to me @intelliguy.

Technically it goes back to transistors and cpu chips. Voltage is either present, or its not. It's the basis of all computing power we see today. But that's further deep then it needs to be for the basis of this post.

I don't fully understand it but I sort of get somehow. Our college instructor was so poor at explaining this concept during classes.

I was good at performing basic operations involving binary numbers back then regardless of how many digits they were, silly thing was--I didn't even have any idea how it actually works.