The greater picture of why government will encourage the innovation of cryptocurrency and decentralization.

in #life6 years ago (edited)



"Any new thought, idea, or experiment can prove worthy up until the point, it becomes unsustainable." --- @intelliguy

Nov 30, 2018.

Let's look at some basic facts:

  • Bitcoin was enough to create a world following into blockchain and decentralized technology. However, every single day, people building competing technologies because they fear Bitcoin is eventually unsustainable.

Note: The term unsustainable used in this post's context, is to also mean "unpopular, and/or not fully adopted, not chosen, or not accepted by the mainstream population."

  • Steem was enough to prove, that user contributions, reputation, and content value could create a large adoption rate, and yield profit for tens of thouands of unrelated people. Steem's current model is eventually unsustainable.

  • The 21st Century of economics, population growth, and way of living has gotten us very far, however it too is eventually unsustainable.

So what we've learned, is things that work for a long time (even a couple hundred years)... eventually become unsustainable.

The only solution? Avoid standing in the way of innovation, good thoughts, ideas, or experiments.

  • If you do.... then you prevent solutions from being found as an answer to current unsustainable methods of practice.

Cryptocurrency and its rapid innovation, is constantly finding ways for the general public to cooperate, collaborate, and work together. Eventually cryptocurrency should create and allow the evolution of fantastic solutions to present economics, trust, and the general way of transacting that this world needs to enter the 22nd Century.

There is a knee jerk reaction to competing technologies. Often people will kick down one, in order to elevate another. Not only is that an unsustainable model, it's wrong.

True competing technologies that have their own pieces of the same puzzle, should merge and adopt sustainable ideas in order that one day, the full puzzle can be completed and solved.



Here's how this can help not only Government, Regulators, but YOU yourself...

  • Be fully aware that the 21st Century of humanity is not currently sustainable.

  • Realize that decentralization, and open market competition and innovation are the only true methods that have a possible chance of leading us into a sustainable 22nd Century period.

  • Look to support, and not stifle, true innovation.

  • As platforms grow, mature, and fail. They are only one simple puzzle piece that is part of the larger puzzle. Which means version 2.0 of those puzzle pieces can be made, and re-plugged back in.

I have hope for STEEM. I have hope for BITCOIN, and I have hope for WHALESHARES and BITSHARES too.

My selections are those of my own. You will have selections that you've chosen too. Anyone can be right.

The point is simply this...

Watch and observe, participate, or contribute.... but always realize... life itself is an experiment at human sustainability at many levels....

Cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralization is the key to us discovering ourselves -- and so far the only thing I see that can help us evolve the world at large in a trustless, unifying way.

....always think about this when making your trading decisions, your regulating decisions. When deciding to censor, or troll.... When your fingers touch your keyboard next... realize....

"Are you helping, hurting, or destroying?"


Nice thoughts as usual @intelliguy.

"Realize that decentralization, and open market competition and innovation are the only true methods that have a possible chance of leading us into a sustainable 22nd Century period."

Taking the long long view with the 22nd century huh?'s approaching faster than we all think. I fully believe government is watching how decentralized systems can work in the general populace so they can find certain things that evolve and work. They may use those things globally with "decentralized, trustless" countries... for the next world government in some fashion.

"Are you helping, hurting, or destroying?"


To the future humanity i am helping.
To those stuck in the last century i am hurting.
To those who want to continue sucking off the productivity of others through violence and coercion, i am destroying.

I am not so sure that "sustainable" is what I would place at the top of my hierarchy of values. Is it even an achievable, or desirable, aim? I don't think so. The only things that are sustainable are those that are over, dead, devoid of energy or at their lowest possible energy state. The running down of a clock at exactly 2:00 o'clock is a sustainable state. But if you want the clock to be a useful tool for telling time you must keep adding energy to the mechanism.

For me personally a more meaningful attitude would be to choose an aim - and then give energy to anything that moves me towards the aim, which is"good", and try to withdraw my energy from anything that leads me away from from the aim, or stuck in place, ie. what is "bad" from the point of view of my "aim". .

To my benefit, I did change the meaning of the word to be:

Note: The term unsustainable used in this post's context, is to also mean "unpopular, and/or not fully adopted, not chosen, or not accepted by the mainstream population."

We need certain fundamentals that will be adopted or chosen by the mainstream population just to have a functional and sustainable environment, so the majority doesn't war and feel displaced. (History teach us that overthrowing and war, is the inevitable conclusion during turmoil of competing societies and countries).

But I like the idea of the "aim" you propose. :)

Great post, innovation is the only way to enhance efficiency which is desperately what we need as a society solve a multitude of issues.

Thought provoking @intelliguy, i had to follow a link from Whaleshares here to read this, i hope Steem gets out of this sinkhole soonest though.

I have faith it will all come back around but it all has some more cool down time before it takes off again I think. Bitcoin goes in progressively larger hyperwaves about every 2 years or so. We are coming into the despair part of the wave. personally I would love to be able to buy a bunch of steem if it gets down to 10 cents or so. being able to buy penny steem is like a wet dream to me but until then I get to just tool around on the internet and have a good time. I am really liking whaleshares as it hs no bid bots and that is fantastic in my book

Hey Guy , great to see you posting again (-: I agree, I'm strangely optimistic, I think now that some bullshit has gotta out of the system people can reframe. It got too much about money. It has to be back to why blockchain and alternative currency/social networks are important against FANGageddon.

by the way, I'm glad you mentioned Whaleshares, I finally went to check the site... why does it exist? I mean, isn't it a lot of the same people that are on steem. seems redundant, what's the point?

It's an attempt, and a valiant one, at rewinding steem about 8-12 months ago... from where things started going wrong in that community's mindset.'s another experiment. To see if DPOS based social media systems based around token rewards can work. It has a different blockchain, with different coding changes. It's not perfect, but it's actively being developed, changed, and upgraded.

Since STEEM, the blockchain is MIT open source, that means whaleshares is able to borrow from that code base, just as much as steem can borrow from whaleshares too.

...more competing ideologies from similar code bases, is exactly what we need to propel this space.

wow, that is some deep shit... you must be smart or something... graphene based?? holy hell

:) I should have been saying DPOS... .oops.

Saying that since years and gave up to mention it since a while - but spot on!

There is a knee jerk reaction to competing technologies. Often people will kick down one, in order to elevate another. Not only is that an unsustainable model, it's wrong.

True competing technologies that have their own pieces of the same puzzle, should merge and adopt sustainable ideas in order that one day, the full puzzle can be completed and solved.

Not sure on this point anymore, might be because I have not seen any de-centralization yet, not on these blockchain communities not somewhere else.

Realize that decentralization, and open market competition and innovation are the only true methods that have a possible chance of leading us into a sustainable 22nd Century period.

Thanks for sharing deep thoughts.

One of the misunderstood terms since Bitcoin was invented was "centralization" and "decentralization"

Both words come in varying level of degrees, and everyone has their own personal definition of what they should mean.

Perhaps we need better terms.. that are more descriptive.

As long as we're all on, one-planet, earth, everything is centralized, isn't it?

That is a good point - some have radical definitions of it while others like me are more flexible towards it.