The Closest I'll Ever Get to My Childhood Dream ~ #pagingdoctordada

in #life6 years ago


Hospital band on my right wrist. Steemit bracelet on my left :)

As a young lad, there were two professions I had my sights on. One was to be a magician. The other was to be a doctor. The former as time went on didn't seem super realistic. The latter I learned, required you to be very smart. Book smart. I had the street smarts to excel at magic, but the book smarts have never been my forte. Memorize and regurgitate seemed like all school could give me. So my two dreams had dissipated. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve, but being CPR certified is about as close to Dr. status I can claim. Until this past Wednesday, when I at least looked the part, but still had none of the knowledge.

The wife went into labor late Tuesday night, and by Wednesday evening our little guy had taken his first breath of earthly air. After laboring for a few hours, the real doctors determined my wife would need a C-section. Our hopes of a vaginal birth were crushed. But we had to do what was best for baby. They took my wife in and got prepped while I got my scrubs on. A few minutes later I was in the room and not long after the 'birth' had commenced.


We now have a family of four. Momma is healing up at home and big sister is having an interesting time getting acquainted with this new baby taking up all of moms time. And I got to see what life would have been like (albeit for just a few minutes) of a Doctors life. After seeing all the blood and other liquids and body parts, I think I made the right decision. Besides the book smarts I don't possess, I would probably faint daily and/or puke at the sight of everything they see on a regular basis.

So I'll celebrate my short time in scrubs feeling like George Clooney in ER, and thank the man up stairs for a happy and healthy baby and wife.


Did you follow through with your childhood dream occupation? I'd be interested to hear! Thanks for reading and have a great day. Steem on!


Congrats on your new baby boy. Glad he is healthy. I had C-section ( my wife that is lol) so we missed out on regular birth. But does not realy matter as long as they came out healthy.

And NO did not get to my childhood dreams of being a Fireman ;)

Thanks man! Healthy baby is all that matters, true story.

And you can still be a fireman!! I’m sure there are volunteer firefighter sign ups all over the place. If you want it bad enough you can make it happen!

Congratulations to you both! What a wonderful time!
Oh I agree with you, I could never be a doctor and see all the stuff they see every day! Having children will slowly get you used to that kind of stuff
When I was young, I used to want to be a veterinarian. Then I realized they do surgeries. They are the ones that do surgeries, right?!

Thanks so much, it really is a wonderful time. It doesn't last too long, so I am trying to savor it.

Vets do surgeries for sure. I'm sure it's not all of their time, but when necessary. Along with that and having to put pets to sleep, there's no way I could do it.

Congratulations on the new poop factory!

Thanks man! Poop factory is an understatement. He'd give the machines at Hershey's a run for their money.

Being an onlooker is very important work, you're halfway to getting your Doctor's licence.

What's the other half? If it's as easy as spectating I might have a shot!

Just a bit of paperwork.

Congratulations! I was considering getting in touch to see whether there was any chance of meeting in person since I plan to be in MN next week, but it sounds like you'll be a bit busy for the forseeable future!

Dude! I’ll be busy no doubt, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a life any more, haha. I would love to meet up! When and where abouts will you be? Maybe get a few other MN steemains together too, let me know! That would be a lot of fun.

It'll be a bit of a whirlwind trip. I expect to be in St. Cloud in the wee hours of Wednesday, depending on Amtrak's reliability. Then it'll be a rental car to relatives.

I don’t work til 2 on Wednesday. Take the tram to Downtown and I’ll pick ya up and bring ya to St. Cloud :)

I'm afraid that will be out of the question. Perhaps we could meet in Princeton? That isn't too far out of my way.

Ah, are you taking an amtrak all the way here? I figured you were flying in. Princeton could work! If you have discord we could go over details on there. Or email, whatevs.

Discord Tothe#8927 @jacobtothe

Congratulations on the little guy!

My childhood dream was to be an astronaut. That hasn’t worked out. Yet. 😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks! Believe it or not, you still may be able to fulfill that dream. Maybe not as an occupation, but as a trip. I'm holding out hope for you. Maybe you'll be able to pay Elon with Steem ;)

CONGRATS! Happy happy joy joy for you and yours!

I wanted to be an artist or an astronaut bio-engineer.

I settled with shitty artist at best.

Thanks so much! Shitty artist? Don't be so hard on yourself. Remember, I am carrying your art with me every where I go. I'll be taking your art with me to my grave, chew on that for a bit ;)

Much love @artwatch