
Baby steps is a perfect idea to imagine doing when overwhelmed by work instead of just thinking of the wall of work you need to do. Baby steps sounds sweet and easy to do. Maybe even a little fun when you think of a little one taking their first steps. Thanks for the helpful thought!

Yes, you are right. It sounds even like fun. My daughter has to learn for end term exams at the moment and one evening she called me to say that she did not know how to go on. She just felt blocked, could not get herself to learn anything more.

After our telephone conversation, she sat down, wrote down what she had to learn, found out that in fact she already knew quite a bit of that, so the workload was less than she had thought. And then she devided the rest up into small individual portions that seemed doable to her. That way she overcame the block and was able to start concentrating on what she had to learn again.