First of all I want to begin with the thing what changed my life forever, Bitcoin, wasn't so hard to guess, but I want to say that maybe for the first time in my life I felt that I found something, that I started to draw my well dreamed plan since I was in high school, that plan to have a happy life and no worries, to have money and leave well in a country who does not promise to much ,a country where the biggest problem yet is not money or food.. or other vital things for life in the era we leave, the biggest problem being the people and their toxic behavior .
Now exactly one year and one month ago I quited my job, I realized that for 250$ paycheck, maybe 300$ if I do overtime and kissing my boss ass, I realized that all of this is to much. I don't want to do this all my life, I don't want to work like a tiny robot 8 hours a day, maybe 12 sometimes , everyday for 50 years, after that I get my retirement at max 100$ if I get lucky. I don't want to get marry and with money that I "earned" at the wedding to do a 40 years loan for a house and all my life to work for paying it, I don't want my biggest hobby to be sleeping, or to can't wait the holidays just for get some rest and be fresh for work again. FOR WHAT? I didn't found even today the answer for this question, why to be employed in 2018?
One thing is for sure, and I knew that in the moment I left my job, one year and one month ago, I will never work one day in my life again, only for me and period, I will not be employed or be someones slave. Free to mean what I did and what I will do, to pay the freedom price and overcome this psychological step who took our minds on as all, I'm on my way, young, sometimes silly, braved and confused, but I'm not alone I have my boyfriend closed to me and we did we lived this things I will tell you, I'm on my way. ^_^
Bitcoin Rush
Somewhere last winter I heard about Bitcoin, of course I heard of Bitcoin many years ago, since was 3 $, but only last year had my truly attention. It was like I entered in another world, in the first month I made 4000$, compared with my country income I calculate that is at least 20 times better. And so on, month's had passed, I lost everything in one month, but the other month I had even the last dollar back. And so on, little by little I entered more in this world of Cryptocurrencies, I discovered obviously BitConnect, where I lost again huge amounts, but I learned one thing, I learned that every loss makes me stronger, I knew since the beginning that Bitconnect was a ponzi like every lending platform and that is why I didn't complained. Bitcoin is becoming a drug after you start knowing him, I left any idea of searching a job again and I focused on what I really want to do.
Aunt Ana From The Corner Grocery Store
When I first met Bitcoin I said that people in my country will know in 5 years. Byt even my 78 yo grand mother knows about Bitcoin, even if her hairdresser from the village knows about Bitcoin. Step by step people started to know and with that all my enthusiasm started to lose color. I hear every day pros and cons, people who I have never imagined that I will speak with them asking me about Bitcoin. Now everybody is an expert, what is it and what it does no one knows, everyone have their one version either is correct or wrong, this doesn't matter anymore, everybody buys, to the moon! I know people who think that Bitconnect is the same thing with Bitcoin , I know people who sold their car, their phone ...home stuff, only to buy Bitcoin, to have just in case. Many people build mining rigs at home, other people buy ASICS to have real profits. The idea is even if is good or bad, we do the same thing... and I am convinced that is going to be bigger with time. In crypto one month is like 10 and one week is like one month, is like I'm since forever in this and I can say this is the biggest revolution and the only revolution I witnessed and I am Proud Of It !
Bitcoin Destroyed My Life
If you ask about Bitcoin everyone knows, if you ask about blockchain technology, ethereum, dash, nobody knows. Is Bitcoin a bubble ? Let me answered , YES it Is A Bubble And SO WHAT? This does not stop the technology behind that, this does not stop us to buy. This will continue to exist even if me, you and 100 people will stop believe in it. Because when one get out, another 100 get in, and that means power. Bitcoin is power, is believe, is money. Bitcoin has that something who everyone is searching since we are so controlled by the government and the few powerful people who drive the world by their rules. Finally with Bitcoin we can do what matters, to wake up from that sweet dreaming in the reality of nonsense. We can not be slave anymore, we can decide for us, what is important.
I saw an interview on youtube that Bitcoin is the equivalent of the red pill, but I say that is the equivalent of a drug, a vice, or an addiction, who take us all little by little everyday. My entire Bitcoin journey resumes on one question :
If you have to choose the blue pill or the red pill what you will choose?
Hey thanks for your great post dear
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@salahuddin2004 with success rate 100
@lorfdfruth with success rate 95
@cryptogean with success rate 92
Best drug I've ever done lol.