Bold predictions for 2018

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello random peoples of steemit. It is I, random steemit contributor. How have thou'st been this past year?

A new year is upon... well the people of the world who randomly selected 1st of January as the date for a new year to be upon. This is, off course, like many a workings of Man, completely random and mostly designed to get money out of people for pointlessly expensive parties while making everyone quite depressed. Good scheme, if you ask me, though no one ever does.

As the old sages used to say, predictions are difficult especially about the future. But come new year, people still have a tendency to do them, for strange reasons having to do with, I assume, with psychology.

So here it goes 10 absolutely fabulous cant miss prediction for 2018, because if anyone can pull this out of ones anus, so can I.

  1. The world will still exist at the end of the year mostly unchanged.

  2. Clean, cheap fusion energy is announced hopefully bankrupting all major solar panel and wind farm manufacturers.

  3. Tesla will still suck, though Elon Musk fans will still be everywhere.

  4. Los Angeles Lakers will go on a 30 game winning streak and make the playoffs while Lonzo Ball comes from behind to win Rookie of the Year

  5. Nothing major will change geopolitical. Not Iran, not Saudi Arabia, not North Korea. Some plebs may die horribly here and there, as usual, but not much else. Kim Jong Un will still be the sexiest and best dressed man on the problem.

  6. The stock market may rise or it may fall or it may stay the same.

  7. The average intelligence level of political conversations will continue to drop

  8. Angela Merkel will lose her aura of stable powerful politician.

  9. People will continue to blame social media and the internet and those damn edgy kids these days for everything wrong with the forever dysfunctional world of politics. The production of dank memes will continue unabated.

  10. Donald Trump will give up the presidency and become a Buddhist monk in the mountains of Peru.

OK so this is the best I got, My money is on 9/10 of these being true. The question remaining is which one is false? Only time will tell.


Yeap Only time will tell