Measuring Advice: 12 Rules for life – useful or not?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I wrote before about Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson. He is doing the interview circuit as we speak because he is slinging his new book, 12 Rules for Life. It is sort of a self-help book, and the 12 rules are more like chapter titles. They are expanded upon at length in the book, I would presume. I have to presume because I have not read the book. So I will judge the titular 12 rules without any context. Why? Because why not, and I can and who is going to stop me? Reading is for nerds, alpha male just know things. Following the idea of my post before this one - useful versus useless advice – which in fact gave me the idea for this post, I will give each rule a rating between 0 (useless) and 100 (rather useful)

Peterson’s 12 rules, with commentary:

Rule 1 Stand up straight with your shoulders back

This is in general OK, posture is important. But on the other hand you have to be careful not to appear to stiff or people will think you a snob. 75%

Rule 2 Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping
This is silly. A person you are responsible for helping may have different needs and wants then you. 25% at best.

Rule 3 Make friends with people who want the best for you
This is generally a good idea, although you may get some benefit from friendships that are not quite like this, as long as you are aware of the fact 85% good.

Rule 4 Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today
This is positive to keep track of your progress, and to want to better yourself. But then again looking at those successful today can be helpful as well. See where you want to end up, what they are doing. 60%

Rule 5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
I mean this greatly depends on what makes you dislike them. It would be a good rule together with do not dislike your children for bad reasons. Also to a point children need to make some choices, make some mistakes, as long as the mistakes are not too destructive 50%

Rule 6 Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
I mostly agree with this. If you can’t get your shit together, why would you give opinion about others? Although perfect order is a bit much, it is hard to define and harder to achieve. As long as you are not a complete mess, you can see issues with others which they may not see and point them out. 60%

Rule 7 Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
Eh purse both on occasion, why not? You can’t have everything in your life be meaningful. 40%

Rule 8 Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie
Depends on the situation, to be honest. I am not a tell the truth absolutist. 60%

Rule 9 Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t
This is a good idea as long as you do not know the person well enough. Sometimes doing this would waste your time, but expecting others to listen to you would mean, by common courtesy, for you to listen to them. 75%

Rule 10 Be precise in your speech
I agree to this. Say what you want clearly. Unless you are a politician, off course. 85%

Rule 11 Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding
Well it depends where they are skateboarding really. And whether they are your children. 75%

Rule 12 Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street
No. Awful advice. Cat cites and scratches can become highly infected and cause life threatening issues. Do not pet random cats. 0% .

I would say that is a fair ruling. You?


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Best points that i noted there is....

Rule 1 Stand up straight with your shoulders back

This is in general OK, posture is important. But on the other hand you have to be careful not to appear to stiff or people will think you a snob. 75%

Rule 2 Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping
This is silly. A person you are responsible for helping may have different needs and wants then you. 25% at best.

Will follow it for better improvement

shit man. this is what i'm reading now. heard so many good things about this book :))
funny post though!