Diagnosted with leukemia 9 years ago

in #life8 years ago

At the age of 44 i felt tired when being active. In the middle of doing up the house i needed to get down shortly after beginning for i got to feel terrible. Time to see the docter. I ve had black poop (blood) once so the suspicion felt on cancer of either stomach or intestence. Laying ready for the exam the docter said they had found something in the blood so it was probably something else but to be sure he proceded. Waiting at the hematologist for the results i was bearly able to sit up strait. In the week before we made jokes but now she was so serious. I knew then this aint going to be good.
I had MDS. Never heard of it, so i asked what is it cancer? Yes MDS progressing into leukemia.
Ok can something be done? Yes but it would be verry difficult. Ok lets go for it. That same day i transferred to a specialised hospital. I was put on 24/7 chemo for 7 days. I got verry sick had lots of fevers but finally felt better and could go home after 5 weeks for 2 weeks. After that another 5 weeks in with again 24/7 chemo for 7 days. Then at last a 4 day chemo and 1 total radiation to prepare me for a stemceltransplant. I was lucky to have a sister who was a 100%match to be my donor.
I had a new immuun system that had to attack my body to kil the rest of the cancer. That caused problems with my lungs.
I needed prednison for almost a year. Whitin a year i was back working full time. But progress to return to my former level is slow if not impossible. But that doesnt matter you have to look at what you can and not at what you cant anymore. The only thing i regret was thinking my kids 12 and 14 where doing well. I better had them in counceling ride away wich was offered. Later things appear that we could have prevented. I am lucky to be white and dutch. For white people there are the most of donors in the worldbank. Thats not the same for indonesians or turkish people in my country. Because we have single payer i didnt need to morgage my house again to pay for it al. I pay now 167 euro monthly and i have a yearly own risk of almost 400 euro. 40% survived the first 5 years so i am happy to be at 9.
I like to thank al medical staf they where al so warm and nice.
I thank my wife who still pampers me and stood with me, i think she suffered the most of us.
I thank my collegues who understand where i come from and take an extra step sometimes to help me out.
Its the first time to share this i think its time.
Still have check up 2 per year.
Thank for reading in the end all will be good.


What a story... I wish you all the best. Hopefully you'll get many more years!

Thanks i wish you all the happines in the world!