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RE: ADSactly Personal - Cringeworthy Moments: We have all been there... (Haven't We?)

in #life7 years ago


You've got real humour filled moments there and I think I have one as well.

Back then in high school as a boarding student, we were required to wake by 5am prep and proceed to go for morning mass by 5:30am.
On this particular day, I slept past the allowed time and woke 25mins (or there about) later than usual. By the time I woke, the seniors were all out flogging and sending everyone out of the hostels. I turned my 30min allocation into a 5min rush bath, cream and dress and dashed to the chapel.
After the procession, I my left ear started to tingle, just then my seat mate in class came (he usually got by cause he was beautiful and had a school father) and was given a seat beside me. After good mornings had been exchanged, he handed me a piece of tissue passed from my crush on the next column.

On it was inscribed

"For your left ear"

I stuck my left index finger into my left ear and discovered a large mass of soap foam in. I felt really ashamed as the girls in the other column giggled.


Always check the mirror before you leave! Something that I don't do myself I must admit and I've ended up going outside with things kids have put in my hair.

I've never missed a day since that event took place

That is SOOO darling. She probably had a crush on you.

Lol.. Not really