Chemtrails Madness In Vancouver

in #life6 years ago

I've been watching the chemtrail criminals in action for past 20 years. I have noticed chemtrails first time when I was in my late teens and became very acutely aware of them in my late twenties (dozen of years ago). I have seen them being deployed from major cities all over the world to become present even in remote locations. It has been painful all along but what's happening past few is just beyond belief.

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Today I could not help but being outraged. And my rage slowly brewed into a lingering feeling of sadness and hopelessness.

How do I shake people up from their rat race dream and make them look up to the sky? Why am I seemingly the only one who looks in the sky and notices that we're getting sprayed every single day? Why nobody remembers that the skies used to be different, with naturally shaped clouds, blue background and orange vivid sunsets? I just want to cry out loud: get out of your head for a while, stop worrying about money, and look around you with awareness and presence!

Day by day I am silently watching as the sky over my beloved Vancouver is getting heaving chemtrailed. The normally blue sky turns sick shade of grey, there are rainbow circles around the sun due to the heavy metals present in the chemtrails and a blanket of shapeless chemtrail clouds cover the horizon from west to east. It always begin with a single line of vapor coming out of the airplane, which never disappears and gradually changes into the puffy endless line of cloud that keeps on expanding until it loses all shape and just covers whole sky like a blanket of sad merciless life killing ignorance...

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Spring in Vancouver is rarely dry. With tall mountains all around the city and Pacific currents coming up from California, we normally have lots of rain. But the chemtrails in combination with the cell phone towers and HAARP radars kills the generation of the natural Orgone energy of the Earth, which normally forms rain giving clouds.

And so it is that in month of May, in the rainy city of Vancouver, it has not rained for 4 weeks straight, and we already have a forest fire of more than 5km square close to Pemberton, which is totally out of control.

I look at the trees and see that the leaves are under attack. All greenery is. What used to be lifegiving, is now life killing. Plants that are supposed to thrive in the full sunshine have dry leaves, partially because of Ozone layer damage and partially because of heavy chemtrails.

Temperature is totally off too. It feels like it's hot when you're on the sun, unusually burning sensation, but the temperature rarely exceeds 17 degrees Celsius these days, with cold 9 degrees nights and mornings, which is very cold for this time of the year.

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Cold and dry. Under the sad chemtrail sky that nobody sees, everybody too busy running behind money, success, survival...

As I was watching the sick rainbow around the sun, I pointed it out to my studio building manager. I asked him- hey have you seen the rainbow around the sun? He said- oh is there one now? When he finally looked up, he was dumb-folded: Oh shit what is this shit? So I told him about chemtrails. His answer? I believe you Jan, because I feel something with the nature and wind and weather is off. This feels very true what you say....

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But this guy is half first-nation in his heritage, so he still has more connection to nature than regular western consumer, than the bunch of zombies I have to share this beatiful planet with, who just refuse to wake up from their how do I tell them?

My heart is so sad today. My generation , the generation that remembered different sky and different sunsets, different sun and weather, is slowly getting old, and majority of them are totally unaware anyways, or they have forgotten. How shell we, the few awakened ones who remember, tell to the new, mobile phone wifi damaged generation with fatal attention deficit, that what they were born into is NOT normal, is NOT how it should and and NOT how it would be if left alone.

Where are the orange burning sunset skies? Where are the sunset clouds reflecting the fire of the sun as it sets in the ocean? Nobody wondering?

You might be asking, or I hope you are: what is the ultimate purpose of chemtrails, besides obvious manipulation of weather and rain clouds, and who is behind this criminal game? These are good questions and I'll address them in my next post, if I gather courage and energy writing about this dark theme....

Today, I just need to hear, that I am not alone who sees, that I am not alone who is outraged and wanting to take whatever steps necessary to stop this evil. I know there are whole documentaries and whole legion of passionate freedom fighters and scientists who expose and fight against geo-engineering and chemtrails....but I see them only on youtube, not in the streets...

Tell me that I am not alone.... who cares, who loves, who sees and who is willing to be called crazy rather than do nothing.

Much Love from my sad heart,


All sky photos takes today in Vancouver

Below photo is my 5 years old painting of how sunsets used to be...


You are right. It’s really sad to see how the weather have changed recently.

It’s not even recent. It’s just getting worse cause they getting better at it and cell phone towers and electromagnetic pollution in general is worse every passing year, which plays in their favor ...

You mean how it has been manipulated recently? You know it, I showed you...

Torandos is germany- when I was a child there had be a few wind small whirlwinds but not so huge as today. In the media they try to tell us this is normal :-)

You know what it seems like to me?

There more the world is being absorbed by our lower nature and thinking only of maximizing products and personal benefit at the expense of everybody else, the more fragmented and divided and separated we are and feel from each other, the more the world is literally, figuratively, allegorically, symbolically, physically being plunged "into darkness."

Whether it be geoengineering, 5G internet of things, or any of these steps which may in of themselves not be steps in the wrong direction, but the intentions (collective and individual) of those conducting this is for power and control (right?)

So until we fess up and a true paradigm shift happens this problem will cumulatively keep getting worse... Maybe until the world is just plunged into absolute darkness; maybe until enough of us decide to flick on the light.

This my friend:

I agree about the lower nature materializing as bad stuff in 3d. Yet I totally disagree that geo-engineering is "not a step in bad direction in itself". All of these steps are pure evil on the agenda of Deep State to make this planet a barren place, suitable for new species and total enslavement of humanity. Thanks for your comment.


Oh how blessed our generation is bro, we know the sky without chemtrails.
I feel so sad too. But your photos and article are amazing for this topic.
Thanks for sharing and resteemd to spread more awareness :-)
Sending much love.

Totally brother. We will die out soon, so we have to tell the new generation what Gaia's love really is. Much love back!

I know what you mean. I thought I was the only one seeing this and being so frustrated.
One day I went for a walk and seen 8 chemtrails just over the track I was walking on. I couldn't believe it and I wish I had taken the picture but didn't have the phone. And they were all lined up all at the same time and lasted for about 15 + minutes, which really was insane and scary since who know what crazy poison they are spraying and like you said who are they and don't we people have the right to say something or do something about it.

So glad to see more people here on steemit talking about it.

Sad times we live in dear @joalvarez. They use chemtrails, which contain heavy (and very poisonous) metals (such as Barium, Strontium, Aluminium etc.) to ionize the atmosphere so they can manipulate it with frequency control devices (radars, cell phone towers and lots more we know nothing about...) so they can manipulate the weather, mainly by killing natural occurrence of rain clouds. They literally kill the natural regenerating energy of Earth: Orgone energy. It’s heart breaking and follows very dark agenda of Deep State. I still have hope though that humanity will awake! I have to! Much love your way, thank you for your comment Joanna!

I know. I feel terrible and scared for my kids and what this world is becoming.
Like you said, I hope that humanity will awake and that there is hope to stop all these criminals.

I really appreciate you explaining more about the chemtrails, since I knew that they were really toxic and poisonous, but I didn't know what exactly they were spraying so thank you for educating me even more.

I would have to guess that the new 'legalized' cannabis industry is trying to put independent outdoor growers out of business with a dry spell or two.

I live on the edge of a large agricultural region, and we see the results of the food price wars that are partly managed with weather manipulation. The chemtrails would show up with the mare's tail clouds, three days ahead of the frontal system. While the mare's tails used to mean rain in three days, I noticed that one year the spraying nullified nearly every spring frontal system that tried to bring precipitation for several months, making for a very dry year. Most of the frontal systems would bring colder air and cloud cover in two or three days like normal, but after the heavy spraying, very little rain fell from those fronts that year.

Well, nature has a way of bending around these obstacles, but thanks for sharing, more of us need to look up more often and ask questions. Seems like it will never change, but things always do.

When enough people demand cessation this #chemtrails madness will stop.
Want clean air to breathe?
Fight for it.

This is way bigger than "clean air". We are talking about destruction of ozone layer, manipulation of weather, particularly destruction of rain occurrences, destruction of our forests and biosphere in general. Clean air does not quite encompass this. And yes we have to fight and that's why I write this. That is why I SEE and SAY

@jankasparec it is such a worrying time we live in.We all have to conform to the 24 7 work life ethics.The world doesn't stop so why should we? We do not even get a chance to sit, think and evaluate our surroundings. Why has this been bestowed on us? What is the hidden agenda? Is this happening so we slowly get discconected from the world and ultimately become zombies for the new creators.

I see your photos and it is so sad but very scary.I totally agree with you.I live in the UK and even our government tried to give an explaination on chemtrails.I do not know why it is being done.All i know it is very wrong and not normal.Whether its biological warfare, climate control, mind control or agriculture suppressant. This is blimmen very unatural indeed.Thanks for bringing this matter to the fore front.Hopefully it may make people actually stop and stare into the sky and WAKE UP!!!

Thank you for your comment sister!

Recently got to know about these chemtrails.

Why am I seemingly the only one who looks in the sky and notices that we're getting sprayed every single day?

You are not alone, and I've seen people on Twitter who are talking about it most of the times. (Chemtrails, EVM's, deep state and everything)

Here's one account, everyone should follow on Twitter --> @Stupidosaur

Thank you fellow fighter @streetsmart !

bright sun, beautiful scenery, very fond of seeing @jankasparec, this is when the sun rises, very beautiful.IMG-20180522-WA0011.jpg

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